☆The Search

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You ruffled your hair as you got out of the bed. Jotaro pulled you back to the bed, he murmured something.
"Jotaro, get your lazy ass up. We gotta go," you scolded him.
"I want to stay longer in bed with you."
"Oi, we have to find that DIO bitch. Get up," you said as you tried to remove his arms.
"I need some rest.."
"Jotaro, seriously. Don't make me punch you."
"Okay.." he groaned as he sat up with you. You looked at him, he had bags under his eyes. You sighed.
"Why the hell did you stay up all night?"
"I.. I wanted to see you."
"Stop being so cheesy. Anyways, take a nap for like half an hour. You look very tired."
He hummed and letted you go. You sighed and went in the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth. When you got out of the bathroom, Jotaro was asleep. He looked like an angel when he was asleep. You ruffled his hair and left a small peck on his forehead. He groaned and pulled you to the bed.
"Stop pretending to be asleep. You really need some sleep Jotaro."
"But I want to snuggle.."
"Shut it and take a nap already we don't have much time left."
He grumbled. You sighed and walked over to the table. You grabbed your sheathed knife and tied it around your leg. You looked over at the clock, it was 6:12. You sighed and sat on the chair next to the bed. You played with Jotaro's hair, it was quiet and peaceful.

"Jotaro, wake up," you shook Jotaro. He grumbled as he got up. You ruffled his hair, he made a small smile.
"What time?"
"It's 6:56. Get ready."
He rubbed his eyes and walked over to the bathroom. He soon came out, water was dripping from his face. You sighed and grabbed a towel. You threw it to him, he made a sad hum. He was expecting you to come over and clean his face.
"Wear your clothes already. By the way, I'll be waiting outside. I need to get some fresh air," you said as you walked to the door.

You walked outside, it was quiet. You walked around the town, enjoying the normal time you could only have. You walked back to the hotel, Jotaro and Polnareff was waiting for you.
"Sorry, was I late?"
"No, we just met," Polnareff said.
"Guys.. where's Mr. Joestar and Avdol and Iggy?" you looked around.
"Gramps went that way with Avdol and Iggy. They said they'll some people about the building. We should catch up now," Jotaro said as he walked away.
"Oh, right," you said as you followed him. Polnareff caught up to Jotaro. By the look of Jotaro's face you could tell Polnareff was asking him some weird questions.

"Ah, what took you guys so long?" Mr. Joestar looked at you three.
"Sorry, I must've kept them waiting," you made a sorry face and elbowed Jotaro, he tsked at you.
"Well, no need to say sorry. I was just worried if there was a Stand attack."
Jotaro sighed, "Gramps, did you figure out where that building is?"
"A man said if we go south, we might find it," Avdol said.
"Oh, stay here. I forgot I need to make a phone call," Mr. Joestar said as he waked over to a phone box.

He soon came back.
"I called Japan... my daughter's condition has worsened. She has no strength left. She'll only have three or four more days," he said. You looked over to Jotaro, he had that sad expression again. You sighed and held his hand carefully. He looked down at you, his expression softened a little bit. You said nothing but rubbed his hand with your thumb, trying to comfort him as best as you can.
"Let's go. If we keep on asking around, we'll find him," Avdol said.
"Yes, let's go. We'll keep asking."

Mr. Joestar asked everyone he met on the street about the building.
"Ah, guys. I feel like someone's stalking us," Polnareff said.
The rest of the team nodded their heads.
"Should I go get them?" Polnareff asked.
"You probably should. We shouldn't move all together. It'll alert the enemy. Try sneaking up to them," you suggested.
"Don't do anything rash, Polnareff," Avdol said.
Polnareff chuckled and nodded his head. The rest of the team casually walked away for a few steps.
"Hey, Polnareff, did you find the guy following us?" Avdol asked as he turned around.
There was no answer. It made you all worry, Polnareff always got in some kind of trouble. You guys all turned and walked over to the bigger street.
"What's the matter, Polnareff?" Avdol shouted out.
"He's not responding," Avdol said.
"That's odd," Jotaro said.
"Polnareff, did you find the guy following us?" Mr. Joestar asked.
"Answer us," Avdol said, you could tell that he was getting worried about Polnareff.
"Hey, can you hear me, Polnareff?" Mr. Joestar said it louder this time.
"Hey, Polnareff!" Mr. Joestar shouted again.
When you guys finally met Polnareff, he was leaning to the wall with his arms and legs crossed.
"Oh, there you are. What's the matter? Was someone following us, after all?" Avdol said.
"E- er..."
"Is something the matter, Polnareff?"
"N- no one was following us. It was just my imagination."
"I see... by the way, what are you doing in that corner?"
"W- well, you know... I needed to take a piss."
"Seriously, you were taking a piss? That's an embarrassing thing to do in the middle of a city."
Polnareff took his tongue out and tried to lick the wall out of the blue.
"All right...?"
"Is something wrong? Why are you making that face? Does your tongue hurt?"
"No, I think he's saying something's behind-."
"You don't mean.."
Polnareff sneezed suddenly. There was Hol Horse right behind him with a gun in his hand.
"Hey, he's.."
Polnareff summoned his Stand and hit the back of Hol Horse's neck. Hol Horse went flying and hit his head on an urn.
"It's Hol Horse. Be careful! There's someone under that box, too!" Polnareff shouted.
You heard a car coming towards your direction, you looked over to see a truck. It slipped on the liquid, which were spilled on the floor, and headed towards your team.
It hit you directly, you went crashing into the building. You coughed up blood, though you were still conscious thanks to Jotaro pulling you. You looked around, your team was all down, they were bleeding seriously. You hissed as you tried to get up. You crawled next to Jotaro and healed his wounds first, he opened his eyes as soon as you touched him.
"(Y/n).. you okay?"
"Yeah, don't worry about me. You pulled me away before the hit. Well.. thanks for that.."
"Just give me a kiss as a thanks later," he smirked.
You sighed and healed his wounds fully. He got up and looked around, he was trying to find Hol Horse.
"I'll heal the rest," you said as you slowly got up. He modded his head. You walked over to Avdol, he wasn't injured severely. A few light scratches, though there was a possibility that his bones broke due to the impact. You looked around the shops, thankfully there was a water bottle. You ran over to it and grabbed it.
"I- I'll pay for it later. It's an emergency," you said as you took the water bottle. The owner nodded his head. You rushed next to Avdol, as you Stand touched the water, and poured some water on him. You then went over to Mr. Joestar then to Polnareff. They needed some time to wake up. You sighed and walked over to the car. There had to be at least a driver in there. There were two people, they were both injured. You sweat dropped and poured some healing water on them. It was a pain in the ass to do this kind of shits.
You sighed and leaned to a boulder near. Your whole body was aching. You felt your hands give up already. Jotaro crouched next to you.
"(Y/n), you sure you're okay?"
"I.. my hands aren't moving properly... d- don't worry. It'll get better soon."
"Jeez, you're a mess," Jotaro wiped blood off of your face.
"Hey!" you elbowed his stomach, he groaned as he held his stomach.
"Don't treat me like a baby. I know how to take care of myself!"
"That actually hurts (Y/n)," Jotaro groaned. You ruffled his hair.

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