☆Welcome Back Avdol{+Submarine}

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The team made it to the a harbor, the team left the baby on a near town since he was too young to travel. Mr. Joestar grabbed a boat from somewhere near the town. You were questioning how he gets these stuffs. You sat next to Kakyoin, Jotaro stood next to Mr. Joestar. Polnareff was sitting in front of you and Kakyoin.
"(Y/n)," Jotaro called you. You looked up at him and hummed.
"How's the wound?"
"It's healing. No need to worry," you said making an 'ok' sign. Jotaro nodded his head and looked ahead.
"Hey, Old man. Something's not right. You're going the wrong way. Shouldn't you be heading directly west, to Egypt? You seem to be heading toward that island," Jotaro said as he checked the compass.
"Yeah, that's right. I have a reason for not telling you before, but before we enter Egypt, we need to make a slight detour and meet someone. He's a man who's extremely important to this journey."

Mr. Joestar beached the boat near the forest. It looked like a deserted island. You looked around, it wasn't that bad, well you've only seen sand for a few days so the forest looked nice.
"Hey, does anyone actually live here? It's such a tiny island, and it looks deserted," Polnareff said as he looked around.
"Indeed. Mr. Joestar, does he really live here?" Kakyoin asked.
"He lives here by himself. That's what he told me back in India," Mr. Jeostar said.
Kakyoin seemed to think a little.
Jotaro suddenly pulled you, making you fall. Sands were in your clothes now, you grumbled as you got got up.
"What was that for?" you growled.
"Hey. Someone's watching us from the grass over there," Jotaro pointed. Everyone looked at where he's pointing. You dusted your clothes and looked at the bush. Suddenly someone came out of the bush and ran away, making you squeak in surprise.
"He's running away!" Polnareff shouted.
"From the back, he looks..."
"Yeah. That's definitely familiar!" Polnareff said as he ran to the unknown man. You all followed them both.

You all caught up to him, you were still catching your breath. You swore to yourself about the wound. You looked up to see the man, now feeding his chickens.
"I'll go talk to him. All of you, wait here," Mr. Joestar said as he entered the man's garden. You pulled yourself up, by the help of Jotaro's arm. You groaned, the wound was sure taking a lot of energy from you.
"My name is Joseph Joestar. I'm traveling to Egypt with these four-."
"Go away! I won't hear it!" the man yelled.
"D- don't talk to me! No one comes to see me with good news! It's only when something bad happens! I don't wanna hear it! Go away!" he turned to face your team. He looked just like Avdol, though he had grey hair and a beard.
"Mr. Avdol!" Kakyoin said.
"Go away!" he shouted and went in his house, slamming the door.
"That's Avdol's... father," Mr.Joestar  said, making you all gasp.
"He left the world behind, and lives alone on this island. I didn't tell any of you about this because if DIO were to find out that we had stopped here, the peace of Avdol's father enjoys here could be compromised. I didn't want that to happen. But telling him about his son Avdol's death won't be easy to do.." Mr. Joestar sighed.
Polnareff was shaking, you could tell he was having a flash back of that day, you heard from Kakyoin about Avdol and Polnareff. You patted his back, you knew how it felt.
"It's not your fault Pol."
"No, it's my responsibility. I have to carry that," Polnareff said, looking down.
"Pol.. just tell me when you need something, okay?" you rested your hand on his shoulder. He nodded and walked away, you sighed. You hated it when you couldn't be a help.
"He might just need his lone time," Jotaro said, noticing you. You nodded your head.

The sun was setting now, you were getting worried about Polnareff.
"We should get Polnareff," Mr. Joestar said as he stood up. The team left to find him. You all walked to the direction he disappeared while calling his name over and over again.
The team arrived to the shore, Jotaro checked the boat with you. You two found nothing, Jotaro picked you up and jumped off the boat, making you screech.
"He's not here, either," Jotaro putted you down slowly.
"It's gotten rather dark. Where could he have gone?" Kakyoin looked around.
"He couldn't have run into the enemy, could he?"
"Lets hope he didn't," you said, dusting your clothes.
You looked up at they sky, there were stars in the sky already. You sighed, it was starting to get late.

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