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"(Y/n), wake up already," Jotaro pinched your cheek. You opened your eyes, you rubbed your eyes as you got up.
"What time is it?" you yawned.
"6:26. Get ready, we're going to have a busy day," Jotaro said as he fixed his hat.
You groaned and tied your knife to your leg. You two headed out after a while. Jotaro handed the key over, you looked at the clock, it said '6:53'. Mr. Joestar and Avdol was already sitting on the table outside, drinking coffee. Iggy was beneath the table, munching on his gum. Polnareff came out at 7 o'clock, he was whining about his hair.
Mr. Joestar explained the schedule for today. The team was heading to Luxor by boat. The departure was 8 o'clock, so you guys had some free time. Mr. Joestar and Avdol was chatting and drinking some coffee at the table, Polnareff went somewhere, you expected that he went to get some breakfast. Jotaro was tapping his finger impatiently, with a cup full of coffee on the other. You sat there, playing with Jotaro's chain like usual.
"I want to smoke," Jotaro groaned.
"You said you won't yesterday."
"Why did I say that..."
"You're addicted to it, aren't you?"
"I'm not. I just smoke when I'm nervous or annoyed. What kind of an ass do you take me as?"
"Yeah, sure. Then why do you want it now?"
"Well... fuck, forget it," he looked away from you.
"Well, at least it's good for your health."
"But it isn't for my mental health."
"Try finding something better than smoking. Like reading a book."
"Give me a hug. You said you'll give more hugs if I didn't smoke."
You froze, he just said that out loud in front of the others. Mr. Joestar spat coffee, Avdol chocked on his, and Iggy looked up at you two with questioning eyes. Your face burned, you sure did say that to him but you didn't expect him to ask for it this soon.
"I... I'll give you one when we're alone," you whispered to him.
"But I need one now," he replied.
"Fine, I'll hold your hand," you growled.
"But I want a hug."
"Fine.. I'll give you one," you grumbled as you wrapped an arm around him. He leaned to you, making your face burn.
"Oh My God!" Mr. Joestar shouted.
"Shut up Gramps. You're damn loud."
"So you two were actually dating?"
"I.. no, we aren't dating Mr. Joestar.."
"But Jotaro just hugged you!"
"Umm... yeah?"
"Jotaro, you gotta be kidding me. You two are dating, right? Finally my grandson's not single."
"Shut up Gramps. (She's/He's/They're) not my... Good grief.."
"Just think that I'm his secondary parent," you smiled. Jotaro grumbled and held you like a doll.
"No, you're not my secondary parent. You're my friend."
"Shut it, Jotaro."
"(Y/n), you're too small to be my parent."
"I hate you."
Mr. Joestar chuckled, he seemed to like the scene.
"Jotaro, you should let go of (Y/n), (she/he/they) seem(s) to not like the posture," Avdol said as he sipped his drink.
"(Y/n), likes it. Right, (Y/n)?" Jotaro looked down at you.
"Just shut up and let me go. You still smell like a pack of cigs."
Jotaro grumbled and held you tighter. You almost fell off your chair.
"Jotaro... let me go."
"No. I like the warmth."
"Let me go already."
"Alright, fine. You win, I'm not in the mood to fight you."
Mr. Joestar chuckled about you two being lovebirds.

"The tomb of the famous King Tutankhamen lies in the Valley of the Kings," Avdol said, looking around.
"Wow, so this place is pretty historical."
"Apparently, there are still people who dig underneath their houses in secret to the government, hoping to find gold and treasure."
"I wonder if there are still any tombs or treasures left to be found."
"There may be."
"By the way, where did the old man go?" Jotaro asked, he seemed that he didn't like the place.
"To the bathroom. Iggy's with him, so if anything seems odd, they'll notice."
"Do you need to go, too?"
"Hmm.. if it's a real bathroom, sure."
"Pol, what do you mean a 'real bathroom'?"
"You know, the bathroom that are clean."
"Oi, (Y/n), come over here," Jotaro called you from a distance. You walked up to him, he was crouching and looking down at something.
"What is- oh my god is that a scorpion?!"
"Yeah, I thought you liked animals, so I found one."
"That's very.. kind of you."
"Did I do a good job?"
"Y- you did. Let's go back, we don't want to get poisoned, right?"
"Can I be a good boy then?"
"G- good boy? Seriously? You're a big boy, not a good boy."
"When can I be a good boy then?"
"When you do something good," you snickered.
"I did something good, right?"
"You did, but..."
"I want to be the good boy."
"Okay, fine. Let's go back good boy," you gave him a head pat, making him look up at you.
"More pats."
"You're acting like a baby."
"I know."
"You're literally one year older than me."
"I know. So give me more pats."
"You're not a dog."
"I'm a human. So give me more."
"You're... never mind. Just, get up already," you facepalmed.
"I want more pats."
"I'll give you more when you're a good boy."
"But I am a good boy."
"Oh, shut up. You're in high school, stop acting like a baby."
"I want more pats."
"Jotaro... get up already."
"I want-."
"Fine. I'll give you one when we reach a hotel."
"Why not now?"
"I don't want to pet you in front of everyone. You have a reputation, Jotaro."
"There's no one else near, expect the team."
"Jotaro, just get up. You're not a baby."
Jotaro got up as you said but he gave you head pats, making you confused.
"What was that for?"
"Give me pats since I gave you."
"You're hilarious."
"Give me."
"Stop. It's weird seeing a 195cm'ed person asking for head pats."
"I want head pats."
"You're not a baby nor a kid."
"I'm a teen. So give me head pats."
"Not here."
"I want it now."
"Stop being so stubborn."
"What are you two babbling about?" Polnareff walked up to you two.
"Oh, Pol. Can you please take this big ass baby away from me?" you pointed Jotaro.
"Jotaro? A baby?" Polnareff snickered. It was sure funny seeing that delinquent as a baby.
"Hahahah, come on, Jotaro. Let's go and leave (Y/n) alone for a while. (She/He/They) do(es) need (her/his/their) own time."
Jotaro held your arm tightly, and shook his head.
"Ah? I don't think he wants to go anywhere, (Y/n)," Polnareff laughed.
"Jotaro, let's head back, please."
"No. Not until you give me that."
You started walking and Jotaro held your waist, making you walk on one place. You groaned and tried to walk but it ended up wasting your energy.
"Oh, what are you two lovebirds doing?" Mr. Joestar walked up to you two with a suspicious smirk.
"Mr. Joestar, Jotaro's not letting go of me, a lil help please?"
"Jotaro, we gotta head out now. You should let go of (Y/n) now," Avdol said as he walked away.
Jotaro looked down at you, making you nervous. Then he picked you up so easily. Polnareff and Mr. Joestar was laughing the shit out about it. You growled and tried to get out of Jotaro's grip until your injury reopened, Jotaro just threw you on his shoulder and walked with the team.
"I hate you, Jotaro."
"No you don't. You're just mad that your wound reopened because you squirmed too much."
"It wouldn't have happened if you weren't such a baby."
"You should really get that wound healed soon. It's gonna be a pain in the ass."
"Hey, don't change the subject like that. Plus, what are you gonna do? Send me to a hospital?"
"Oi, I can manage this small wound."
"You said that like four times already and the wound didn't heal but get worse."
"Hey, it takes at least 50 days to heal a small cut. Of course it takes much longer to heal such a big wound!"
"Good grief.. you're damn loud."

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