☆Boat Trouble

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As we reached the harbor, two girls approached Jotaro, asking if they can have a picture with him. He yelled, of fucking course. You sighed, tired of his actions. Well, at least Polnareff took it for them. "He's the type of guy who keeps his brain in his pants," Mr. Joestar said, looking at Polareff. You bursted into laughter. Jotaro looked down at you and tipped his hat, saying his catchphrase.

The boat soon arrived. "To get from Hong Kong to Singapore, we'll be on the water for three days," Mr. Joestar explained. "But seriously guys-. Can't you do something about those school uniforms? Are you gonna stay dressed like that the entire tume? Aren't you hot?" Mr. Joestar asked looking over to Kakyoin and Jotaro. You haven't noticed that they were actually wearing school uniform the whole time. "Jeez, aren't school uniforms uncomfortable?" you asked, looking down at your training outfit. "Both of us are students... And students should dress as students," Kakyoin said, his eyes locked on the book. "Hah? Then am I not a student?!" you asked, you were a student too. "Umm.. no that not what I meant," Kakyoin looked over to you, who had a confused expression. "You just said-... whatever. It's not like I'm an honorable student."
You eyed their uniform, "Then.. why not wear school's gym uniform? It still counts as a school uniform and it's easy to move in it." "Shut up already. You're starting to become annoying," of fucking course Jotaro would say that. You turned your head to Kakyoin, giving him a confused face.

"Let go! Let go of me! You big lug! Damn it, let me go! Let me go!" you heard a kid scream in a distant. You turned tour head to see one of the crew mates holding a kid. "Hey, what's wrong?" Mr. Joestar asked. You stood next to him, trying to get what's happening. "I thought we agreed to no passengers on the boat." "Sorry about that, it's a stowaway," the crew mate said. "Hey let me go! I'll break your balls!" 'hah, that's a rough kid' you thought. "Tell that to the police. You lil' shit. I dare ya!" the crew mate said, holding onto the kid. "What. The police? Wait I'm sorry alright? Please, let me go! I just want to see my dad in Singapore. I'll do anything! I'll work as hard as you want!" the kid said. You looked up to Mr. Joestar, who had a stern face. "Can we let him come with us only to Singapore? I mean we are heading to Singapore.." you asked. You felt bad for the kid, he just wanted to meet his family. Mr. Joestar didn't answer and walked away. You stood there, confused. "There's no way I'm letting you go. That's too easy," the crew mate said flicking the tip of the kid's nose. The kid started to cry, you felt bad for the kid. You sighed and turned you head.
You suddenly heard a splash sound. You looked over to see the kid jumped in the ocean. You ran to the edge, worried about the kid. "Th- this ain't good! There are notorious sharks-infested waters!" the crew mate said. 'You got to be kidding me!' you screamed inside. You jumped into the water without hesitation, 'Fuck my life,' you thought as you swam to the kid. Thankfully, Jotaro soon followed you. He took care of the sharks as you swiftly held onto the kid. "You should learn how to stay out of danger, (Y/n)," Jotaro said, swimming next to you. "Yeah sure. Says the one who jumped in as well," you said getting ready to swim back to the boat. As you touched the kid's chest you felt something.. 'wait a fucking second is he-,' you took the kid's hat off, revealing her hair. "Y- you're a girl?!" you asked, surprised. "Yeah! And where are you touching you pervert!" she yelled at you. "I'msosorryIdidn'tknow-," you were cut off by Jotaro hitting the back of your head. You stuck your tongue out at him and turned to the kid, wrapping your arm around her waist, saying sorry over and over again.

"Guys beneath you! Something's attacking from underwater!" Mr. Joestar shouted. "Fuck," you said under your breath. Kakyoin took out Hierophant Green and pulled all three of you up to the boat. As soon as you guys were out of the water, something shredded the tube. As you caught your breath, you eyed the kid, checking if there were any injuries. "Thank god your okay," you said getting up. "Hey big boy. You hurt?" you asked walking towards Jotaro, he suddenly pulled you to himself. "Wh- what is that for!" you screeched. "There's another stand user in this boat and the kid might be the one." "You have to be kidding me.. another stand attack?!" you sighed, getting tired of all these stand attacks. 'How many fucking people have stands!?' you asked yourself.
"W- what with you jerks? Quit staring at me like that!" the kid said reaching into her pocket.
"I don't know what's going on, but are you trying to fight me?!" she pulled out a pocket knife and pointed towards all of you. "Don't underestimate me okay? You are gonna regret this! One on one, come at me I dare you, you punks!" she said, still pointing the knife. You walked up to her and took the pocket knife away from her. "It's dangerous for a kid to play with a knife," you said closing the knife. Your team looked at you. You flicked the kid's forehead. "Play with a knife, you'll end up hurting yourself." "(Y/n)! Get away from her she can be the stand user!" Kakyoin warned you. "Hmm?" you tilted your head as you held the knife up high so the kid won't reach it. "Hey, how's DIO doing these days?" Avdol asked. "Dio, huh? What the hell is that?" the kid answered taking the knife back. "Hey! It's dangerous to hold a knife like that! You can hurt yourself!" you said trying to get the knife out of her grip. "Don't act like you don't know you little brat," Ponlareff added. "Hey I warned you punks! You gonna be a man and talk to me or you just want to get shanked which is it huh? My demon blade wants the blood of its 348th victim. And you all look like a prime cuts," she said taking the blade out.
"Heh," Kakyoin laughed.
"What's so funny stupid jerk hole!"
"Jerk hole? I'm starting to get the feeling she's not the stand user," Kakyoin said, smiling.
"Yeah, then who's the stand user?" Mr. Joestar asked looking around.
"So, this girl our stowaway?" a voice said, it was the captain. You letted the captain and Mr. Joestar talk for a while. The crew mates held the kid. You sighed looking over to Jotaro who was smoking. You made a disgusted face towards him. He approached you and puffed smoke to your face. "The fuck!" you said coughing. Suddenly a hand took the cigarette out of Jotaro's mouth. It was the captain. "Don't smoke on my boat. Were you planning on throwing it into the beautiful ocean?" the captain spoke. He smashed the cigarette to Jotaro's hat. Making Jotaro pissed, you made a scowl. "I figured out," Jotaro said standing straight up. "He isn't the captain. He's the stand user!" "Sta... nd?" the captain questioned. "What might that be?"
"That's inconceivable, Jotaro. Captain Dragon came recommended with verification by the Speedwagon Foundation. He's someone we should trust. There's 0% chance that he's a stand user," Avdol told us.
"Hold on, a Stand? I have no idea what you're talking about.." the captain continued.
"Jojo, random guesses will only make things more confusing!" Polnareff shouted from behind.
"Do you have proof, Jojo?" Kakyoin asked turning his head to face Jotaro.
"I've found a way to differentiate Stand users from other people. That's.. if a Stand user inhales even a little bit of cigarette smoke, a vein pops up on the tip of their nose," Jotaro said, pointing his nose.
"Is that why you puffed smoke at me?!" you yelled, touching your nose.
"You can't be serious, Jotaro!" Polnareff spoke, trying to cover his nose.
"Yeah, I'm lying. But it looks like we've found the idiot," he said looking at the captain.
The captain was touching his nose too. You stepped back, pulling the kid away from the captain.
"Jotaro, how did you know he was suspicious?" asked Mr. Joestar.
"Actually, I didn't think he was at all," Jotaro said. 'Yup, the normal Jotaro..' you thought getting into a protective mode.
"But I planned to try this with all of the men on board," Jotaro's answer made you sigh.
"You're cold. Damn. You're right. I'm not the captain. The real captain is already sleeping with the fishes at the ocean's bottom back in Hong Kong."
"Then you can sleep at the bottom of Hell!"
"Seriously Jotaro," you whispered, rolling your eyes.

A stand's arm held the kid's leg. 'Fuck! I reacted too late!' you thought as you summoned your stand. As the stand came out of the water fully, you charged for a punch in the face. 'Fuck! Why is my stand not punching it?!' you screamed inside but still laid a punch on the stand's face by using your own fist. It made the stand fall back into the water. You reached for the kid you were able to bring her back up. You felt a hand on your shoulder. It was Jotaro. Then you heard repetitive 'Ora's. You looked towards it to see Jotaro's stand beating the fish-looking stand. The captain was in the water, all bloody. 'When did he go in the water?' you asked yourself. You sighed in relief. Jotaro's hand was still resting on your shoulder. You looked up at him, he still had his stern face. "Ne, Jotaro." He hummed. "What's your stand's name. I never got the chance to know it."
"...Star.. Star Platinum," he said looking down at you.
You looked up at him. 'His eyes are so pretty,' you started to daydream about his ocean blue eyes. Suddenly Jotaro stood still, his hand not moving. You looked down at the boat seeing barnacles going onto Star Platinum's hand. Jotaro's hand started to bleed. The others came to help Jotaro, though Jotaro was pulled into the water soon. "Fucking!" you said, trying to go in the water, but was soon stopped by Kakyoin, calming you down. You stood on the edge, trying to find Jotaro. 'He'll be fine. He's strong..' you thought trying to get rid of the image of the worst situation.

The water was calm for a few seconds, which felt like hours to you, making you more and more nervous. 'What if he dies? He won't die he's not that weak... but what if he does? Fuck... okay, everything will be alright (Y/n)...' your mind was running. "Fuck!!" you shouted. "(Y/n), he'll be alright," Kakyoin said, still holding you, just in case if you tried to jump into the water. "A whirlpool appeared!" Mr. Joestar said. You looked over to see a big whirlpool. Kakyoin letted go of you. "Let's help him!" Kakyoin said as Avdol, Polareff took out their stands following Kakyoin's. Though their stands were stopped by scales which were sharp as razors. "There are countless scales swirling in that whirlpool. He wan't bluffing when he said he could beat all of us," Avdol said. You just stood next to them, there's no way you can help them. You don't even know what your stand is capable of.
As the whirlpool disappeared, Jotaro came out. As Jotaro slowly swam towards all of you, the ship started to shake. Then it started to explode, all of you ran to the life boat, you were able to stay calm during the explosion. Only the smell made you shiver.

All the crew and the team was safe, Jotaro got on the boat. "Are you hurt?" you asked looking around him. His hands were kinda bleeding. You stand came out of you, it pointed the water and then Jotaro's hand. You blinked for one or two times and finally understood what it meant. "Okay it might sting," you said as you applied water on Jotaro's hand. He tsked, your stand touched the water, it sparkled... 'cool' you thought. As the water touched the injuries, it healed immediately. "Wow... I didn't know my stand can do this," you said holding onto Jotaro's hands. The injuries soon healed up. "There you go," you said as you turned to Kakyoin, who's hand was hurt too. You healed Kakyoins wounds too. "Didn't thought that we had a healer in our team," Kakyoin said smiling. "Didn't thought my stand could heal," you said (giggling/laughing). You turned to the kid, "Are you hurt?" you asked with a smile. "No. And how did you heal them?" she asked. You forgot she couldn't see stands. "Oh... it's a.. super power! I have healing power," you said smiling. Her eyes sparkled, "Really? Are you a super hero? Do you fight bad guys too?" "Heh, we aren't super heroes yet," you said with a faint smile. "Plus you can call me (Y/n). My full name's (Y/n) (L/n)." "Oh, I'm Anne! Can you tell me more about this super power?" Anne asked, you told her about the stands, but using the word 'super power'. You two had a fun time chatting around.
You looked up at the sky, it was starting to get dark. Anne was already asleep. You yawned, tired of today. Jotaro noticed it. He patted the seat next to him. "Really? You're actually allowing it?" you asked, surprised. You never thought you can sleep right next to him. "Sleep here before I change my mind," he said frowning. You sat next to him, he looked down at you as soon as you sat down. Your eyes felt so heavy, you started to nod off. Jotaro pushed your head to his (arm/shoulder). He actually letted you lean to him, but you were too sleepy to process this. You soon fell asleep on him. He looked around to see his grandpa looking at you two in awe. Jotaro made a scowl. It was dark, Jotaro didn't want to sleep but stay up to adore your sleeping face, though he couldn't resist the sleep after a tiring day. You two soon slept together, sharing the warmth.

((Fixed typos it's annoying how my keyboard keeps writing 'bug' when I'm trying to write 'big'))

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