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"Breakfast~," you whined as you pulled Jotaro's arm. Polnareff was shouting to Mr. Joestar and Avdol's room to get breakfast together.
"(Y/n), stop," Jotaro said as he ruffled your hair.
"I want breakfast."
"I know, so stop whining. You're starting to get on my nerves."
"I know," you made an evil smirk.
"Just remember that we always share the same room, (Y/n)."
"What about that?"
"I can easily punish you without letting anyone noticing it."
"Hey, Pol, Jotaro's trying to kill me."
Polnareff chuckled at you two being a goof.
"You two seem to be getting together a lot today."
"W- we aren't!"
"Hah? But the air seems different between you two. Did something happen last night?" Polnareff was making weird hand gestures, which made your face burn.
"Shut up Pol!"
"Hahaha, I'm kidding. Jeez no need to be all mad (Y/n). Ah, look it's Avdol."
"Morning guys, Mr. Joestar will join us soon. By the way what were you guys talking about? I heard (Y/n) yelling."
"Oh, I was telling Jo-."
"I- it's nothing! Don't worry about it!" you elbowed Polnareff. He made an evil smirk, making you nervous.
"Hey, Avdol. Can we talk for a moment?" Polnareff walked away.
"Hm? Sure."
You saw them walk away, you could tell something bad was going to happen. You looked up at Jotaro.
"I... I'm afraid that they'll think we fucked last night."
"Whatever. It's not a big deal."
"It is a big deal! What about my virginity?!"
"Jeez. You're damn loud. Virginity doesn't matter much anyways."
"Eh.. eh?! I'm sorry what?! Do you know how hard I tried to keep my virginity for last 16 years?!"
"Add one more year, then you'll get on my level."
"I... forget it," you groaned in defeat.
"Anyways, you'll lose your virginity one day."
"What if I don't?"
"Then... I don't know."
"I literally hate you, Jotaro."
"Hm? Remember we're going out on a date today, don't go hating on me too much."
"I should've declined it."
"It was a wish, you can't decline it."
"I hate you."
"Yeah, yeah. I love you too."
He looked down at you, then noticed his mistake.
"Wait. I didn't mean that last part."
Your face got all red, you could hear your heart beating a bit too fast.
"(Y/n)? You okay?" Jotaro laid a hand on your cheek, making you more flustered.
"I... I need some time to clear my mind.. j- just don't do anything funny," you pushed him away and turned your back to him.
'He didn't mean it right?! Please tell me he didn't. Oh my god what if he meant it?! What am I supposed to do now!'

"(Y/n)? Hello~? (Y/n)? You there?" you heard Polnareff's voice, he was waving his hand in front your face.
"Y- yeah?! What is it?!"
"Why are you so jumpy (Y/n)? Did something happen when we were gone?" Avdol asked.
"Not really. (She's/He's/They're) just clearing their mind," Jotaro said as he grabbed Polnareff's hand away from your face.
"Jotaro. C'mon tell me. What did actually happen last night?" Polnareff chuckled.
"Nothing happened. Don't be all nosy with me and (Y/n)'s relationship."
"Oh, really? Is that true, (Y-."
"Don't think of anything funny Polnareff," Jotaro pushed Polnareff out of his way.
"Jeez, no need to be all mad, Jotaro," Polnareff chuckled and walked over to you.
"So tell me did something happen between you two while we were gone?" Polnareff whispered to you.
"Eh? Um..."
"Hmm... Mr. Joestar's taking long. I'll go get him, wait here," Avdol walked away. You all nodded your head.
"So, tell me (Y/n), what happened?"
"N- nothing happened! For real! Nothing happened!"
"Really? That's bad, I thought something might happen between you two by now."
"Shut up Pol."
"Jotaro want to go smoke?" Polnareff waked over to Jotaro.
"Hmm? Well," Jotaro looked down at you. You shook your head as a no.
"I won't. I promised (Y/n) not to."
"Aww, that's bad. I'll be back soon. Don't go walking away without me," Polnareff walked away with Iggy.

"(Y/n)," Jotaro's voice broke the strange silence.
"Y- yeah?" you looked up at him. He turned to you and held your arm, it made you squeak.
"Can I?"
"Wh- what?"
"Can I hold your hand?"
"Haha, from when did you become such a gentleman," you chuckled.
"Do you not want me to ask you?"
"Not that I mind. It's actually sorta kind of you to ask. It was just surprising that you sudden started asking things."
"I don't want to do something you dislike."
"That's very kind of you, Jotaro."
"So, can I?"
"Yeah, sure. You can hold my hand."
His eyes glowed with joy as he held your hand softly. His hand was pretty rough, it was the first time you examined his hand this carefully. He seemed to be happy, he didn't smile but you could tell his expression softened a lot.
"Hey, (Y/n). Am I weird?"
"Hah? What gives you that idea?"
"I want to just take you away from this shitty place and.."
"And what?"
"And have you all for myself.."
"That's called love silly. Plus, you gotta be joking me. You? Liking me? Talk about a joke," you snickered.
"Why? Why can't I like you?"
"Hah? Isn't it obvious? I'm not that good for you. There are plenty of people around the world that wants you. I bet that they are a lot better than me. So why waste your emotions to someone like me?"
"Don't talk about yourself like that, (Y/n)," Jotaro pulled you, making you fall to his chest. He used his other arm to hold you for himself.
"You're perfect. There's no one like you."
"Pfft, my boy has finally grew up," you snickered.
"It's not a joke (Y/n)."
"I know, I know. Don't you just feel it?"
"Feel what?"
"That I'm not the missing piece for you?"
"Not really. Instead I feel the need to have you all for myself. I might lose control if you went in someone else's arms."
"R- really?"
"Yeah. So please, don't leave me," he held your hand tighter, you looked up at him. He had mixed emotions, making it hard for you to read it.
"I'll try," you said as you wrapped an arm around him. You thought it was just a silly joke, or probably your mind playing tricks on you. Jotaro wasn't the type to be all lovey dovey to anyone. Maybe there were somethings you didn't know.
"(Y/n)... you smell nice."
"E- eh?! All of a sudden?!"
"You smell really nice. Maybe too nice that I want to eat you up."
"You gotta be kidding me."
"Can I give you kisses?"
"Where? Where are you going to kiss?"
"Your cheek of course. You seemed to dislike the lip kissing."
"Yeah, sure. Go ahead," you snickered, it was adorable how he was trying to act like a gentleman.
He placed small pecks on your cheek, it tickled. He softly bit your cheek, making you hiss.
"I- I don't think we agreed on the biting!"
"Ah.. sorry. I was too... happy."
"Sure, just... don't go too happy with me. You'll find your mate soon. And don't even think about me being yours."
"You're cruel."
You chuckled, it was fun to see his expression change with a few words.
"I'm joking. No need to be all sad."
"So you'll marry me?"
"Eh? Well that escalated quickly."
"Answer the damn question."
"Okay, here's my answer. Try asking it after 3 years," you smirked.
"I can't wait that long."
"The hell?! You know that we can't marry in this age."
"We can."
"Oh my god... okay, how?"
"You gotta be kidding me Jotaro."
"What? We get to marry sooner then."
You rolled your eyes and pinched his nose. He looked down at you in surprise.
"We're both so young. We can't make such a big decision like that yet."
"I'm a grown man. I smoke and drink."
You laughed at his words, he seemed to be puzzled.
"Talk about a grown man. Jotaro, you're 17. You need 2 more years to become an adult. Plus, smoking and drinking is you being an asshole."
He grumbled and attacked your neck with numerous kisses.
"Ah, stop! There are people around," you squirmed.
"I don't care."
"Eh?! Jotaro, stop. It tickles!"
He didn't answer but pecked your neck more and more. You were laughing, it actually tickled.
"Guys wh- oh my god! I gotta tell the team!" you heard Polnareff.
"Ah, wait! Haha, Pol! Jotaro-. Hahaha, stop," you pushed Jotaro's face away. He groaned and finally stopped, Though he was still holding onto you.

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