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"He said he's going to the restroom but I don't know if he went back to his room," Jotaro said.
"Should we check his room?"
"Sure. Do you remember which number it was?"
"I don't know actually... do you?"
"Why would I ask you if I know that shit. Let's ask gramps about it, maybe he knows that crap."

"Oi, old man," Jotaro knocked on Mr. Joestar's door impatiently.
"You know you don't have to knock that-," you were cut off by Mr. Joestar, opening the door.
"What can I do for you two? Probably how to show lo-," Jotaro gave him a death glare, making him stop in the middle of his sentence.
"Do you know what number Polnareff's room is?"
"Hmm.. I remember it as next to Kakyoin's room."
"Thank you Mr. Joe-," Jotaro pulled you away in a hurry.
"Hey! Don't you dare pull me like that!" you said talking your arm back. He just grumbled and headed over to Polnareff's room with you.

"Oi! Open the door," Jotaro said, he was almost breaking the door. He eventually broke it open as you expected. You stood next to him, stunned by his reaction.
"Seriously?!" you smacked his back. He didn't even budge to look at you.
"He isn't here... we should check the first floor."
You sighed and followed him. You two looked around, checking every corner.
'Why is this door locked?' you asked yourself, it was a door near the counter.
"Hey Kujo! Can you open this door?"
He looked back at you at the 'Kujo' part but then realized that he told the team not to say his first name.
"Sure," he said, he reached for the door knob, it didn't open.
"Oi, (Y/n) stay back," he said as he pushed you a few inches away from the door.
He then started to kick the door, it did open after a few kicks but he broke another door which was definitely not okay.
"I think I said to 'open' the door not 'break' the door," you said, he just said his usual catch phrase.
"W- what is it? You just walked in without knocking... what do you need?" the owner came out.
"I'm looking for Polnareff. And I did knock. Maybe you didn't hear me because you were too busy doing something else, old lady," he said. He pulled you close to himself, trying to act all protective over you.

"I'm looking for Polnareff. Have you seen him?" Jotaro asked again.
"Yes, of course. I know exactly where Mr. Polnareff is, Mr. Jotaro," the old lady said.
'Wait.. Jotaro? But he wrote Qtaro on the paper..' you thought, you slowly reached for your knife.
"Oh?" Jotaro said, he pushed you back, he was definitely gonna kill with lady.
"He was just here. He's in the bathroom now, Mr. Jotaro."
"Oh, he's in the bathroom? Is it inside this door here?" he moved to the door behind the old lady. 'Are you fuckin' kidding me Jotaro?!' you cursed inside as you were pulled by him.
"Yes, that's right. Just go through that door," she pulled something out of her clothes, you swiftly turned around, it was a pair of big scissors. You barely blocked it with the knife, thank lord that the knife was pretty durable. She fell down, the scissors almost killed her. You got ready to fight again until Jotaro pulled you back, making your back to touch the door. You sheathed your knife back in.
"Oh? What's wrong, old lady? You just fell down. Did you trip on something?"
"Th- that was too close..."
"Oh, yeah, that's really dangerous. Falling while holding scissors... thank goodness something terrible didn't happen. Sorry to ask before you even get up, but I have more questions for you. Why did you just call me Jotaro?" he asked, it was a relief that he wasn't that stupid.
"I never told you my name, and no one's said my name in front of you, not even (Y/n). That's what I want to know. Well, answer me. Maybe it's because I like Columbo as a kid, but when something bothers me I can't sleep at night," he said.
"Wh- why do you suspect me? The hotel register! You wrote your name on the hotel register earlier! It's so dry here. You wrote 'Jotaro Kujo'," she said, coughing.
"Oh? You mean this thing?" he pulled out the register from his jacket.
"Yes, that exact thing!" she turned around.
"'Jotaro' isn't written anywhere. I suspected you from the moment you called me 'Joestar' when we first met. I told the others not to use my name. And yet, you knew my name.. which means.. it's no use playing stupid. I already know you're one of the Stand users that's after us, old hag," Jotaro threw the register to her.
"Well, what's wrong? Aren't you going to show me your Stand?" Jotaro said.
"I've already shown it to you!" a group of dead people jumped at you. Jotaro swiftly pulled you away and used Star Platinum to punch the people away. Some flew out the window, some were lying down on the ground, all bloody.
"You know that I can fight," you whispered to him.
"You're injured you dumbass," he responded, you sighed at his answer.

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