Part 1: Just another day

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This is the first part, where the main characters is shown, such as the horrible world that they live at since they were a child.

Quick note

"___" talk

'___' thought

*   * action


3rd Person POV

       It was a cold and depressing night as allways, (Y/N) (L/N) and his partner Lucy Mortem were walking through the streets of yharnam, that strangelly was empty, but it wasn't something nice, it was uncomfortable in another level, no dogs barking, no groans from pain, even the houses was completely silent, nothing was making a sound, except, the sound of the heartbeating, or the lungs slowly getting filled and emptying, it was a strategy from both of you, you prefers to not talk, so any sounds can be heard more efficiently.

(Y/N)' s Pov

It's pretty unconfortable this whole silence, in a huge city as this one, i know that Lucy thinks the same way as i, so i think i'm going to break this bizarre silence, i hope she doesn't get annoyed at this.

(Y/N): "Its pretty strange this right?" I said turning my head a little to her side.

She made a small jump when i said this, probally it caught her out of guard and scared her a little.

Lucy:"Yes, i'm trying to think why all those yharnamites that overflowed this streets have just vanished without any clue" she said a bit tense.

(Y/N):"Maybe some other hunter passed by and cleared the way" i said the first thing that came to mind.

Lucy:"that's not possible, we could at least see some blood, or even hear the people in their houses, this is just... strange" she said looking at the sky

(Y/N):"Then maybe we just came to the very wrong place,  the lights in the houses aren't even lit" I said pointing to the window of a house trying to confort her and break this tense atmosphere.

Lucy:"that sounds right, then let's get back to the dream, we deserve some rest" she said, even if i can't see her face, i can tell that she smiled by the tone of her voice.

I slightly nodded as i pointed the other way to get to the closer lamp that was some miles away, we took a few hours to get in this silent place, and unfortunately we're going to walk this same amount of distance. Walking a few minutes, we decided to take sometime to ourselves and rest near a crucified corpse of a beast in fire, something typical of yharnam.

(Y/N):"nothing like a nice and warm fireplace right" i said with a tone of irony and joke as Lucy chuckled at this.

Lucy:"something absolutelly pacific, just as this beloved city" She said before just start laughing with me. After sort of a minute Lucy spoke up again.

Lucy:"(Y/N)" I looked at her  "i want to say that i am really thankful for you beign with me, not just as a partner... as a friend, you were there at moments i knew that nobody would, you were and are the one and only one that don't care about my half beast part, you treat me as a friend and i am grateful for this" she said this with a voice that i wouldn't ever want to hear from her, an almost crying tone.

(Y/N):"I won't ever hate you by the person i see in front of me, because i know how kind and incredible person you are "I said this as i pulled her for a hug to comfort her sored heart. " i like and respect a lot you because you are also one of the first person that treated me as someone important, i'm thankful that you are by my side every time " I said with a comfort tone of voice and a warm hug. I can't feel with my armor but i can tell that she is crying because of small sobs that were coming from her.

(Y/N):"It's alright to cry, just know that i'm always here for you" I said tighten up a little the embrace. After some minutes like this, we break a part and i feel like a weight has taken of my back.

Lucy:"Thanks a lot (Y/N), i really needed this." she said taking off her mask to clear the lats tears from her eyes and i notice that she had a small smile on her face, probably she was keeping this for a long time, and i am happy that i was there to help her, then she take off her hood revealing her short and black hair, with a pair of cat ears, and deep crimson eyes.

We stayed at the fire pit for some time until gets night.

Timeskip brought to you by (Y/N) landing a viceral atack on a grimm as team rwby watched amazed

Lucy:*yawnn*"it's time for us to go" she said with a slight smile on her face, that, warmed my heart.

I nodded taking off my Cainhrust helmet, revealing my (H/L) with (H/C), that matches with my (E/C) eyes.

Lucy's POV

I saw (Y/N) taking off his helmet, as i saw his hair again with his deep (E/C), i already saw his face a lot, but, this time there was something with him, something that i noticed just this time, 'He. Is.Incredible'. As i thought this, i feel my face being a bit more hot, then i noticed that i was blushing a little bit, hopefully, he won't notice this.

Lucy:"It was nice being by the fire as the night falls, but anyway we need to go" i said trying to lose his attention from my face, but i also wanted him to see what could be his reaction.

(Y/N):"you're right Lucy, i hope the beasts don't appear in our way back" he said moving his head towards mine, when i just move my head fast so he doesn't see the blush in my face. He chuckles to my reaction.

Walking back to the dream lamp, as we both call as a joke. I started to fell sleepy, 'the last night i didn't sleep well remembering the bad things that this damn cat ears and cat tail brought to me, every hate, every bad thing, hunters trying to kill me. Until he came, he saved me, he is the one that i owe my whole life, i can't think of my life without him there' as i was thinking looking at (Y/N), as i smiled, when i just felt my leg getting weaker, as i collapsed on the ground. Just when i noticed that (Y/N) grabbed me.

(Y/N):"you must be very tired, if you want, i can carry you to the lamp as you take a nap" he said smiling, a smile that i loved to see, and of course i blushed a little, as he chuckled.

Lucy:"If it doesn't bother you, i would love this kindness" I said as he bring my legs up and rested my head on his arms as he started walking, and i feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier, when i felt asleep.

(Y/N)'s Pov

Poor thing, she've been throught a lot, it makes me feel better that she's having a well deserved nap, looking at her this close, 'i can see that those people who attacked her, were a bunch of idiots that were afraid of their own shadow, when known, she is a nice, caring, lovely, and charismatic person, actually, i think i  can't describe what i feel for her, she is just... incredible, in a way that i would never imagine, i just... don't want her to feel bad again, and if someone make her feel miserable again, i will make them feel worse, i promise this to you'..."Lucy" i said quietly to not wake her up. and continued to the dream lamp as the nights falls, in this horrible, yet beautiful city.


Well, here it is, the first chapter, i really hope you all liked it, i'm trying my best to make this really immersive for you my readers, this is my first try making a book, so if you want you can criticize as much as you want, because the pain WILL MAKE ME STRONGER. Sorry for the poor reference, see you all in the next part, where RWBY universe will be finally introduced


A madman in the other world (bloodborne male reader in RWBY's World.)Where stories live. Discover now