Part11: The Born Team (Y/N)LVV.

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Here is another chapter my fellows, just a quick warn to you, when we was with Vladus and Valtr, Happened all of that trouble between Weiss and Blake. Hope you like it. And there will be a part two.





3rd person POV.

The night was falling, as Blake runned away from her dorm after revealing the truth, Ruby, Yang and Weiss was on their dorm, and (Y/N), Lucy was with Valtr and Vladus. Blake was with Sun wukong right now.

Weiss's POV

There was a tense atmosphere right now, we was wide open after that reveal. Blake was not only a faunus, but maybe a white fang member, and it might be a huge problem for Beacon right now.

Ruby:"I think it's the best for us to take a rest, and Blake need some time for her own." she said with a concern voice.

Weiss:"You're right." i said as i layed on my bed.

Yang:"Good night girls" she said with a smile, but it seemed fake.

RW:"Good night" we replied.

Timeskip to Next morning brought to you by Micolash monologuing about Kos.

(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up from a nice and well deserved rest, it's kinda strange though, after all the mattress was really old. I went outside the house to see the sun, and judging by the position, it might be around 8 AM, when a look towards my friends, their waking up.

(Y/N):"Good morning guys, slept well?" i asked with a smile.

Lucy:"I could say that" she said with a laugh.

Valtr:"I liked it, a nice company can make the worst night into a good and relaxing night." he said getting up.

Vladus:"Well said Mr. Valtr, but i can't say that i'm not anxious to get a new bet" he said rubbing the back of his head."Also, the blood of this place is making me want to fight right now." he said looking at us.

(Y/N):"Just wait a bit friend, soon enough we all will show what a true league hunter, or a Cainhurstian can do" i said with a motivating voice."For now let's go to Beacon." i said getting out of the bed.

Lucy:"Let's go then, i'm starting to miss our friends" she said as she was walking along my side.

Taking a while, walking into Vale, with a lot of looks coming toward us, probably because of our outfits, but we couldn't care less. The sight of Beacon was reaching our eyes, Vladus was amazed at this, and he wanted even more to see it from the inside.

Vladus:"that's wonderful, care if we speed up the pace?" he asked smiling.

Lucy:"Of course not." she said as she started to run.

(Y/N):"Let's see who can get there first then." i said as i used my augur to grab a tree branch and boost me foward.

Vladus:"You know no one can be faster than me, prepare to be humiliated" he said as he used the old hunters hability, as he runned even more. All of us were ecqual, we were almost getting there, until we noticed that Valtr wasn't here.

(Y/N)/Lucy/Vladus:" where's Valtr guys?" we all asked looking at our sides, trying to catch any sing of him, until we reached the front of Beacon.

Valtr:"What took you so long? I was starting to get worried." he said which lead us with a confused face.

Lucy:"How? Just how?" she asked.

Valtr:"Let me tell you..."

Valtr's Pov Flashback a while ago.

Vladus:"You know no one can be faster than me, prepare to be humiliated" he said as he used the old hunters hability, as he runned even more.

Valtr:"they can't beat the master" i said with a cocky voice.

I put my hand in my pocket to get my favorite transport item, my whistle. I take it and lead it to my mouth under the masters helmet, as i blow it, the Snake opened it's mouth under my feet, it closed with me in it, as we was going underground with an unormal speed, when i open my eyes, i was in front of Beacon.

Lucy's POV

Valtr:"That's how i got here easily" he said with a cocky voice.

Lucy:"I'm going to use it a bit more then." i said with a chuckle.

(Y/N):"Me too then, let's not waste any time my friends, let's get going." he said walking towards the entrance.

Weiss:"Hey there guys." she said waving at us."where have you been, you got me worried here" she said which lead me and (Y/N) with a surprised expression, 'did she said she was worried about us?'.

Yang:"Don't mind her guys, she is a bit afraid to lose another friend." Yang said with a laugh, probably wanting to annoy her.

Ruby:"HEY GUYS, DON'T DISAPPEAR AGAIN" she screamed as she hugged us tightly."Where were you?" she asked us.

Lucy:"We went to get our confederate Vlaus Anthony, he's a close friend to us." i said poinying to him.

Vladus:"It's a pleasure to meet the friends that welcomed (Y/N) and Lucy here" he said extending his hand to them.

Ruby:"nice to meet you too Vladus, I'm Ruby Rose and these are my teammates, Weiss Schnee and my sister Yang Xiao Long. mind if i call you Vlad?" she asked as she introduced her teammates.

Vladus:"Of course not Miss." he said with a smile.

(Y/N):"Yang, you said aboust losing another friens, and thinking about it, where is Blake guys?" he asked concerned.

Weiss:"She... She runned and slept outside this night, and she didn't came back." she said with a bit sorrow on her voice."but we discovered that she is a faunus, and probably a white fang member." she said recovering her posture.

Lucy:"So you finally noticed that she was a Faunus? but the white fang thing is new to us" i said rubbing my cheek.

Ruby:"You knew about this???"she asked confused.

(Y/N):"It was kinda obvious Ruby, sometimes her bow twiched when gets cold, also she had the same smell as Lucy and Velvet." he said explaining to Ruby.

Yang:"did you smell her? thats creppy." she said with a discomfortable face.

Lucy:"Our senses were enhanced with the hunt, all for being able to find and chase beasts" i said to Yang, trying to soften her.

Weiss:"Anyway, don't tell Blake that i'm getting worried please, at least not now" she said with the same sorrow face as before.

Valtr:"You can count on me Miss, but now me and Vladus need to get to Ozpin's Office. (Y/N), Do you mind wait here, then you can lead us to the dorm" he said as he walked towards the elevator.

Vladus:"See you later guys, wish me luck to get accepted." he said smiling and following Valtr.

Weiss:"So Lucy and (Y/N), will you tell us about tour past?"


So, sorry about the short chapter, i'm getting tired now, but i'm not going leave you without a part, hope you liked this one, i'm going to sleep now, so wish me good dreams. See you tomorrow.


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