Part 2.5:A foreing one

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Hey there guys, sorry for not posting these days, i'm going to take the weekend to rest and have a break from writing, but also, i'm very ecxited to continue this history, i hope you all have the same feeling that i have.

Hope you like this





3rd POV

It's an unquiet night start, loads of guns shooting, robbers, and a famous criminal against two girls,  Roman Torchwick is in front of Ruby Rose and Lucy Mortem, a girl that dreams to be a great hunter, and a high skilled huntress of the vilebloods. And (Y/N), that passed out from the huge pain comming from the Amygdala's Frenzy.

Lucy's POV

Lucy:"Your turn..." i said with a cold and fixed eyes on him.

???(Torchwick):"My turn? for beating you i supose" he said with a mocking voice

???(Ruby):"I think you're wrong, you are just one and we are 2... and a half" she said looking at (Y/N)

Right then, he seems a little angry from the girls response, he points his cane towards us and say.

???(Torchwick):"well, Red and Black, we all can agree that it has been an eventful evening, and as much as i'd love to sitck around... i'm afraid this is where we part ways." then two red lights comes of from the cane.

One goes towards the red dressed girl, and the other comes to me, she prevents that thing to hit her with the handle of the scythe, and i quickly, got (Y/N)'s Loch shield and got that shoot pretty easily,'i'm gonna take one of these to my self' i thought with a smile.

When all the dust and smoke was discipating, i noticed that the coward was climbing the ladder, quickly i run right behind him and the girl was right after me 'Sorry (Y/N), i'll come back when i finish him off' i thought with fear from him waking up and seeing that i'm not there.

At the top, the redhead was in the edge, then he looked to us and said

???(Torchwick):"Persistent girls..." he said with disgust in his voice.

Lucy:"End of the line for you, face your death with honor at least." i said with a challenging voice

Then the air was starting to get a pressure coming from the front, 'is that a great one?' my thought shivered all over my spine. When something mettalic was flying,"How is that possible?" i didn't even realize that i said something. He entered into the flying machine, and stared at us.

???(Torchwick): "End of the line" he said as he throw a red crystal towards us.

I backened away from that red crystal, as he once again shoots towards it.

Lucy:"LOOK OUT!" i screamed as i put myself between the girl and that explosion that was probably going to ocour.

Just when a woman with a blond hair, white shirts, with a black skirt and a purple cape that was torned, thats what i saw just from her back.

Lucy:"Are you alright?" i said worried

???:"i'm doing great, thank you" she said with a cheerful voice

Lucy:"That's good... and who you are miss?" i said looking at the blond woman

???(Glynda):"..." She did't answered my question, i couldn't blame her though, after all this isn't time for questions.

A madman in the other world (bloodborne male reader in RWBY's World.)Where stories live. Discover now