Part 4: The Beacon.

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Hey there, i didn't wrote yesterday because i wasn't feeling very well, but today i'm gonna make it up a nice(i hope) Part. So enjoy it.


'__' Thoughts

*__* Actions


3rd Person's POV

After a couple of time hanging out with Ruby, (Y/N) and Lucy were knowing a bit more of this world, but also, there is a lot more to learn, from the simple to the complex, they enter to the bullhead that will take over the aspiring hunters to the beacon academy.

Lucy's pov

We were in that huge machine, it's realy comfy inside of it, there were some couchs, a big window to see over the city, and a lot of kids that want to be hunters, i just hope that everything goes alright in this school. Just when we notice a blond woman talking to Ruby and making her feel embarrassed, which made me chuckle.

???(Yang):"What's with you, aren't you ecxited" She said to Ruby

Ruby:"Of course i am ecxited, i just..." she was saying until she stopped to think a bit."I got moved ahead two years. I don't want people to think i'm special or anything." she said a bit serious. And that made me notice that everyone looks older than Ruby actually.

???(Yang):"But you are special." She said hugging Ruby with a arm, that made me feel good about them both.

News reporter:" The robbery was led by nefarious criminal Roman Torchwick, who continues to evade authorities." They said as (Y/N) moved to Ruby.

(Y/N):"Hey Ruby, isn't him that the guy that you and Lucy fought?" He asked her, he couldn't see his face when we were fighting that flame girl.

Ruby:"Oh, yes he is, unlucky for us he is still unfound by the police" She said worried

Lucy:"But we know that we can defeat him next time." i said with a cold voice

Yang:"So you are the ones that my sister told me, It's a pleasure to meet you, i am Yang Xiao Long" She said triumphantly. "You both were incredible, thanks for protecting my sister" She said happy at us.

(Y/N):"It's a pleasure to meet you, i am (Y/N) (L/N), a hunter of another world, and the only one that deserves your thanking, is her" He said pointing to me.

Lucy:"Well... there is no need to thank me, i just did what i thought it was right, although, my name is Lucy Mortem, it's a pleasure" i said with a smile.

Then, a illusion of Glynda appeard behind us, 'probably she is just going to annoy us as the other time ' i thought as i started to get a bit angry.

Glynda:"Hello and welcome to Beacon" she said formally.

Yang:"Who's that?" she asked to Ruby.

Glynda:"My name is Glynda Goodwitch"She said in the exact same moement Yang asked, that made me let out a giggle."You are among privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy. Our..." She continued to talk as i was spacing out by the wonderful sight of the building and the nature around it.

Lucy:"(Y/N), Look. It's beautiful" i said amazed by the sight.

(Y/N):"It sure is, i could't ever imagine something like this" He said amazed as well, i can tell by his face that he is already liking this.

Just when we heard a boy going from side to side covering his mouth,

Lucy:"I think he isn't in a good mood" i said pinting tho the boy puking on one of the sides of this thing. Just when i noticed that Yang also puked on her shoes. "If they can't handdle this kind of thing, then they they couldn't take the preassure of yharnam " i said to (Y/N) as he chuclked from my statement.

A madman in the other world (bloodborne male reader in RWBY's World.)Where stories live. Discover now