Final part: The chalice

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So guys, this is our last part, the story will end this day, but i'll but an epilogue chapter, everything will come together i hope, hope you all like this one.





Valtr's POV

Valtr:"She is turning into a beast" i said coldly and with sorrow.

Ruby:"What?" she asked really worried.

Vladus:"Only the thought to lose a dear friend made her snap and slowly get her beast side dominant" he said to her.

Weiss:"Then we need to go with her, to prevent that anything bad happens to someone or to her" she said to us.

Valtr:"No. the best to do is wait for now, with the might of the beast, she can devastate that woman called Salem, also, she would come back to normal seeing that (Y/N) is okay" i explained to them, as i inject a blood vial into the leg of (Y/N)."This should do it." Then i get up."I'm going to prepare myself, if Lucy become a beast... there's nothing we can do" i said with sorrow as i get out of the arena.

Ruby's POV

Yang:"Does that mean that Lucy must die? He's kidding right?" she asked worried.

Blake:"Unfortunately no, it's their job, a really harsh job" she said with sorrow."I hope that this doesn't happen" i said to them.

Ruby:"me too"

Lucy's POV

I grabbed that machine, i was on the roof of it, with my claws i was holding tight to not lose the grip, after a while i noticed that the ambiance changed drastically, it was like some sort of dark energy all over the place, and blood was covering the air, i felt like i was home.

Lucy:"I can't hold it anymore, i. NEED. TO KILL." i said as i began to screech with all my lungs, i could recognize it, it was like Amelia's screams, but more distoced and intense.

I could tell that everyone heard it, because the bullhead was losing control and started to fall towards the huge castle, making a crash all over the left side of it and piercing to the other side. Everything was getting destroyed. I got down to the building and started to search at the wreckage of the bullhead trying to see any potential kills.

???(Emerald):"You stupid bitch!!!!" she said as she tried to attack me, but i noticed that it wasn't her, i know her sense, now any type of illusion won't work on me. But to prevent, i fulled my lungs with air, and roared so loud that the bullhead moved and started to fall from the building. This made the illusion break apart and revealed the real one, with a horrified expression. i walked towards her.

???(Emerald):"Don't approach me, y-you... You are a huntress from beacon, you don't have the right to kill me" she said smiling as if she cornered me. She had both of her arms broken, and her leg had a severe cut, she couldn't harm me.

Lucy:"I am a hunter from beacon, But, the league serves to cleanse this world" i said with a distorced voice, making her tremble even more. When i was going to cut her throat, a fireball hitted my back, making me screech in pain, i look behind and i saw her... Cinder.

Cinder:"Why did you followed us? You can't accept losing?" she asked me, i just looked at her with blank eyes, the silver head boy was behind her, it seems his leg was destroyed and had just one left, and his arm was severed. She was almost intact, but she was holding her stomach, probably she was trying to not lose blood.

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