Part 5: The truth.

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Hey guys, i'm really, REALLY sorry for not posting theses last days, i was visiting my mother so i couldn't write, i hope you understand it. BUT, to compensate this time that i lost, i'm going to make at least one and big part everyday.





(Y/N):"I am not from this world". i said looking deep in her silver eyes.

Ruby:"Ookay... I don't think that i understand it" she said confused. "How and... HOW?" she said anxious and a bit ecxited.

(Y/N):"Well, it's just a guess, but considering the buildings and weapons that you all use, i'm sure that i don't belong this place. But apperently there is something important to me and Lucy here." i said trying to avoid say that the Amygdala was the one that brought us here.

Ruby:"I understand, then where are you from?" She asked getting closer.

(Y/N):"I am from a place called Yharnam, home of the blood ministration, a unique treatment for any kind of disease, an ancient blood that goes through my veins right now, the blood of what you and the people of this place may call as "gods". " i said to her expecting questions.

Ruby:"This is very strange, but, why do you think that i would lost my innocence in this?" she asked me.

(Y/N):"I can answer this one easily. The blood in this city was used a lot by the citizens, it was an addiction, the worst part is, if you use it in excess, you slowly start to become a beast, fur grows more than usual, your canine theeth gets sharper, and you lose part of your brain functions in further stages, resembling those wolves that Lucy told us about. To overcome this "Plague" that was driving Yharnam into a blood and corpse feast all over the streets, a kind old man called Gherman created the "Workshop" an institution designed to kill the beasts. It worked for some time, until the day that the beasts was getting stronger, and the hunters was getting addicted to this slaughter as they were becoming these beasts, the only option that they had was... fire, the whole Yharnam was drowned into a fire mess, molotovs, explosions, everykind of destruction was being used. Until when they saw that was useless, they decided to shutdown Yharnam, and build a new one, the one that i was born." I said getting sad at every phrase remembering from the past.

Ruby:"That sounds horrible (Y/N), I can't imagine what you went through, but, i still don't know why you wanted me to promise that." she said looking into my eyes.

(Y/N):"i don't want you to lose your mind, because, after becoming a hunter, you can't maintain it intact." i said coldly at her.

Ruby:"Why?" she asked a bit scared.

(Y/N):"Since the blood plague came back to New Yharnam, some hunters were made, i was one of them, i accept it with pride and happyness, i could help the people and become a hero to all, that was until one day... i was only 18 years old. I came back home after a whole night of hunt, i saw blood everywhere, i was desesperate, i looked for my parents and sister to see if they were there, unfortunately they were..." i stopped to take a breath.

Ruby:"Unfortunatelly?"She asked concerned.

(Y/N):"Unfortunatelly, there was my dad, eating the belly of my sister while she was still alive, while my mother was with her jaw half severed and her whole stomach in the floor, it was an eternity from my eyes, a minute was like a day to me, when i realized, the beast that was my dad was coming to me, he got a hit in my shoulder, but i cutted his whole leg making him fall to the ground, as i pointed my gun to his head, i looked at him with tears, his eyes was just yellow from the disease, i shooted, his head exploded by it. I was so happy to become a hunter, but, i lost everything that day, everywhere that i went i could only see an opportunity to die, hoping to end all that pain and guilty." i said crying and sobbing in Ruby's shoulder.

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