Part 12: The haunting past.

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Another chapter today, i'm a bit tired right now, so sorry if this one is a bit small, i got a kitty today and she's really cute, and with the cuteness she's very excited, so i'm getting tired. Hope you like this one.





Lucy's POV.

After the fight, we got a bit exhausted, even if it was some easy Grimms, we needed to use more strength than normal, especially me after the use of call beyond, i just need some nice food and a nice bed.

(Y/N):"I got a rabbit and a Chicken, did you made the firepit?" he asked to us, as i got a molotov and threw to some woods that Valtr and Vladus gathered while (Y/N) was hunting, then a huge fire started.

Lucy:"Ta-daa~" i said singing looking to him.

We impaled the food, and waited by the firepit, patiently to be ready our meal. It was getting  night, when we started to eat, it was basic, but delicious at the same time, i ate the half of the rabbit, just as Valtr, (Y/N) and Vladus shared the chicken.

Valtr:"Incredible, just incredible. Now, after a good meal, a well deserved sleep is apropriated. Good night Hunters." he said while he layed on the sleeping bag.

We all:"Good night Master" we said looking at him.

Vladus:"Well, it's my time too, good night brothers, stay safe." he said to us.

Lucy:"Good night Vladus" i said to him, while he layed on his sleeping bag.

(Y/N):"Good night brother" he said looking to him.(Also, just to not confuse you, he is not our biological brother. It's just like Annalise treat her hunters like her own son or daughter.).

Lucy:"I'm going too (Y/N), sleep well and good dreams" i said as i peck him on the cheek, as i blushed like hell.

(Y/N):"Yo-you too Lucy, good dreams" he said blushing and smiling.

Timeskip to 10 A.M. brought to you by Ruby and Yang fighting (Y/N).

Ruby's POV.

I woke up after a real nice sleep, and a bit worried for (Y/N) and his team, i hope they are okay. I get up dressed up and prepared to wake everybody up.

Ruby:"GOOOOD MOORNING TEAM RWB- wait. what is this?" i stoped as i saw a letter on the bedside table, it had a strange seal, and it was old.

Weiss:"why you allways do that?" weiss asked angered, and she looked to the letter."What is that?" she asked pointing it.

Yang:"It must be a love letter." she said smiling to me.

Weiss:"No, that seal, it seems very noble." she said looking closely to it.

Blake:"Who is Cainhurst?" she asked looking at the bottom of the letter.

(Y/N)'s POV

We just arrived Beacon, we woke up by 6 A.M. so we got here just by the right time to get to class, when we arrived we went directly to Ozpin to inform him about our victory. On the way we passed by Team RWBY.

Ruby:"Hey guys, how was your mission?" she said smiling happily.

(Y/N):"We did pretty well honestly, and how was your time here?" i asked them.

Weiss:"It was nice, but now something strange is happening." she said looking at us.

Lucy:"What do you mean?" she asked a bit worried.

Ruby:"Well, what was the name of the castle that you lived?" she asked.

Vladus:"Cainhurst, home of the Vilebloods, why the question?" he asked to them.

Weiss:"Look at this." she said as she showed the letter with the sayings.

"The queen of all Vilebloods and the future mother of the child of the blood, is inviting some honored guests to the forsaken Castle Cainhurst. This guest is the honored girls: Weiss Schnee, Ruby Rose, Blake Belladonna And Yang Xiao Long.

Do not hesitate, the stagecoach leaves from Beacon's Entrance."

Weiss:"Is this some kind of joke of all of you? because i don't get the fun." she said angry.

Blake:"It's not a joke, the person who wrote this knows our names, but i never told you my last name, so it wasn't them." she said trying to figure out who might be.

Lucy:"She wants to see you, it's  pleasure to receive one of this." she said to them.

Ruby:"Wait, She? you mean, your queen???" she asked with stars on her eyes.

(Y/N):"Yes, our queen and mother, but i can't stand how is she, or how would we go there." i asked to myself.

Valtr:"If she is alive, then our theory is correct." he said to us.

Yang:"What theory?" she asked curiously.

Valtr:"For now it's not important. You all have to see her, it's bad to leave a queen waiting." he said as he moved to the elevator.

Weiss:"Aren't you coming?" she asked him.

Valtr:"No, she's not my queen, and i wasn't invited, so, i'll see you tomorrow hunters, take care" he said as the door of the elevator closes.

Ruby:"Then we are going now, i don't think thestagecoach is there" she said innocently.

Lucy:"You'll see Ruby" she said petting her head.

Vladus:"Home, here we go."


Well, this is it, sorry again for creating a short one, but i think it's a nice prequel. i hope you like it, see you tomorrow, and good sleep to me and to you reader.


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