Part11.5: The Born of Team (Y/N)LVV.

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Hey guys, i'm sorry for not posting yesterday, i was with a big emotional issue, but i'm getting better, so, today i'll complete this new team, hope you like it. i'm sorry again for yersterday.





(Y/N)'s POV

Weiss:"Will you tell us about your past?" she asked with crossed arms.

Lucy:"i don't think its appropriate for you all guys" she said warning them.

Pyrrah:"Why? We can handdle a spooky story sometimes" she said with a smile.

Nora:"Exept Jaune" Nora said laughing.

Jaune:"HEY! That guy was wearing a mask that remembers a swiftwater, AND EVERYONE KNOWS THAT WHO WEARS A SWIFTWATER IS PSYCHOPATHS" he said to nora, which made  her laugh a lot more.(Also, i wear a swiftwater so it's not an offense to you that wears it.).

Weiss:"Yeah, we all can handle a story." she said to us.

(Y/N):"Well, i think we have some time, but you have to make the same promise as Ruby." i said to them, which made their eyes wide open.

Everyone expect Ruby:"YOU ALLREADY TOLD HER?" they said at the same time.

Ruby:"Well yeah, we couldn't catch some sleep so he told me a bit about himself." she explained to them."Also, i think they can handdle better than me (Y/N), they are older after all" she said rubbing the back of her head.

Lucy:"Then, i think we can tell something about us, what do you want to know?" she asked sitting on a bench.

Pyrrah:"How are you two so skilled? and you said something about the sense with the hunt, what does that mean?" she was the first who asked.

(Y/N):"Well, in yharnam, there was the home of ministration of the blood, which is an ancient blood who have healing properties, and is used by hunters to aid in their fight with the beasts." i said to them, i think it was a nice and quick explain.

Ren:"So... Your blood is the reason why you two have nice combat strategies?" he asked.

Lucy:"Basically, but we had grown along with the hunt, so the blood was just a push up, the rest was only ourselves" she said to him.

Yang:"And what beasts did you hunt? was like grimms?" she asked with stars in her eyes.

Lucy:"No, they were... worse." she said with sorrow in her voice.

Weiss:"W-why?" she asked concerned.

Lucy:"Humans, humans with the plague of the beast, a plague that slowly turns you into a wolf type creature, but, nonetheless we had to kill humans that were in the first stage of the disease, they still had they're mind, but we had to do our job" she said crossing her arms and tightem them up.

Yang:"That's horrible, why would you kill innocent people, why not try to find the cure of this?" she asked horrified with the hunters actions.

(Y/N):"We couldn't, and we can't, the disease wasn't like somekind of flu, it was a curse, a curse for the human greedy, and only got worse." i said to them explaining a bit.

Ruby:"A curse? What kind of curse?" she asked worried.

(Y/N):"A curse made by the 'gods', to punish us for being so curious, and explore what should be left alone. We got the cure of everey disease, but the blood would consume us eventually." i said to Ruby.

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