Part10: A Cainhurst Hunter

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HEEEREEE I AM MY LITTLE FRIENDS, did you miss me? i know you didn't but i don't care, WE NEED CHAPTERS RIGHT KNOW. I came back a bit retarded so don't mind me. I'm going to introduce an OC here, because i couldn't think about the personality of Hernyk or The Madara Twin. I hope you don't mind.





Ozpin's POV.

Valtr:"i didn't arrived alone, i brought with me a typical Cainhurtian Hunter, he used to speak and help my hunters, specially (Y/N) and Lucy." he said to me, i was curious, even more now, because i couldn't imagine those two needing any kind of help.

Ozpin:"Then who is this man?" i asked curiously.

Valtr:"Well, it's getting dark right now, do you mind if i bring him with (Y/N) and Lucy?" he asked looking to the window.

Ozpin:"Of course, i just need to garantee your promise. Do you accept my offer Mr. Valtr?" i asked extending my hand.

Valtr:"You can count on me Confederate" he said shaking my hand. As he standed up and went to the elevator."This is a really nice place, but Vermin, corrupts it" he said as the door closed.

Ozpin:"What a strange fellow" i said to myself.

(Y/N)'s POV.

Lucy:"He's taking some time there, do you think that he will get accepted here?" she asked looking at me a bit worried.

(Y/N):"Probably, Ozpin wouldn't let go an opportunity like this" i said with a smile to comfort her.

Jaune:"Hey guys, where is the... Valtair?" he said trying to remember.

Pyrrah:*Giggles*"It's Valtr Jaune" she said tapping his shoulder.

(Y/N):"He's with Ozpin, i think he will be accepted at my team" i said to them.

Ruby:"Then another expert hunter will join Beacon? " she asked with stars in the eyes.

Everyone except Me, Blake, and Lucy:"ANOTHER?!?!" They asked very surprised.

Nora:"Who is the other one Ruby? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US?" she asked shaking her.

Ruby:"It's (Y/N) and Lucy" she said  dizzy.

Everyone except Me, Blake, and Lucy:"WHAT????" they asked looking at us.

Weiss:"I knew that they were well trained, But expert?" she said confused.

Pyrrah:"Well, i can feel a strong aura, but i can't tell if it's locked or not." she said looking at us from up to down.

Jaune:"Now there's no way we could win the Vytal Festival." he said with a broken face.

(Y/N):"With a nice strategy anyone can win Jaune." i said tapping his shoulder."And i can't tell that i'm an expert, but i'm good at my job." i said proudly.

Yang:"Your job? What is your job" she asked very curiously.

???:"Confederates, come with me, we need to go back to that city right now." he said as he passed through us.

Lucy:"All right Master. Sorry guys, if you don't mind Ruby can tell you about us, or you can wait until we come back." she said looking at Yang.

Ruby:"It's better for you to tell, i forgot some parts, Sorry" she said rubbing the back of her head.

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