Part13: The only way.

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Hello my readers, this day i'll begin to put our way to the end of this history, i'm not gonna tell how much time it'll be until the end, but i can tell you that is close, and i'm already thinking about another book.(And in this universe, Martyr Logarius was already dead, and the chamber was open)





Ruby's POV

Vladus:"Home, here we go." he said as he was leading to the entrance of beacon.

Blake:"But i don't think that there will be anyone, Ozpin would notify us about it." she said confused to Vladus.

Lucy:"You have the summon with you right Ruby?" she asked to me.

Ruby:"Right here, why the question?" i asked to her.

Lucy:"You'll see." she said to me.

While we were walking, an intense fog started to cover all of the entrance, we could only see 1 to 2 meters ahead us, strangely, that was the first time it happened. Me and my team was getting scared, as the fog made the air as cold as Weiss heart. But it seems that (Y/N) and his friends was normal, as if they were acquainted to this.

(Y/N):"Here we are, now Ruby, would you mind to take the summons out of your pocket?" he asked to me.

Ruby:"Oh, Okay." i said as i reach to the pocket and took of the letter."And now what?" i asked curiously.

Vladus:"We wait Miss." he said, as we started to hear the sounds of horses, four hourses aparently and Wheels. It was working, the stagecoach was coming to us.

There was two of them, both being carried by 2 black horses, with pure red eyes, it seemed like seeing into the eyes of a grimm, his fur was sprectral like, and it made me chill my spine.Then the doors, opened, but no one was inside.

Lucy:"Go inside girls, the other one is ours" she said as she petted the horse, and entered it.

Weiss:"Well, they are our friends, and they wouldn't kidnap us right?" she asked with a nervous smile.

Ruby:"I trust them, they are our friends" i said as i entered, it was pretty comfy, i liked it, but it was still creppy as hell."Come on guys, here is not so bad" i said motivating the girls.

WBY:"Okay then" they all said relutanctly. When they entered, the door closed, without anyone outside.

Weiss:"I can say that this is nice, i could have one of this when i become the owner" she said analysing the place.

Blake:"Of course you could Ice Queen" Blake said with a chuckle.

Yang:"Do you think there will be food?" she asked touching her belly.

Weiss:"Allways for the food" she said laughing.

Yang:"Of course, if it's free, i already think about the food" she said joining them laughing.

It was a bit fast, about 15 to 20 minutes, that was strange because we didn't saw any castle near Beacon. When the door opened, letting a freezing wind come in, and made all of us hug ourselves to try to gather some heat.

When we step outside, we looked to our sides, and saw a huge and beautiful castle, with the moon bathing all of the building.

Blake:"Wasn't it daytime, or i'm getting crazy?" she asked to us.

A madman in the other world (bloodborne male reader in RWBY's World.)Where stories live. Discover now