Part8: Serious talk

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Hey guys, new chapter for you all, i don't have so much to say. But, i have to tell you that i'm going on a trip in the next week that will take the whole week, i'm sorry about that but i need some time to rest.

"__" Conversations.




3rd person's POV

It's getting dark outside, the moon had taken place in the sky, and was lighting all (Y/N)'s dorm, he was a bit concerned, and both of them was talking a bit.

(Y/N)'s POV.

(Y/N):"There's something that feel wrong about Blake." i said a bit worried.

Lucy:"Did you felt the same as i?" she asked looking to the moon.

(Y/N):"Yes, we need to have a talk to her, but first we have to see if our theory is correct." I said sitting on my bed looking at Lucy.

Lucy:"You're right, but first of all, let's get a well deserved rest." she said smiling.

We both covered ourselves with the blanket, it was comfortable, and very warm, it was like a cloud, suddenly, we felt a sleep really fast. The night was going away, faster than a bullet. Right when we closed our eyes, we awoke in a new day.

Lucy:*Yawnn/Stretching*"good morning (Y/N), have you slept well?" She asked me as i sit on the bed.

(Y/N):*Yawn*"Good morning Lucy, I had a perfect sleep, and you?" I said with a happy smile.

Lucy:"It was reinvigorating i must say" she said to me."Would you mind if i take a bath first?" she asked pointing to the bathroom.

(Y/N):"Of course not, i'll take one after you" i said to her."I'm going to check if there is everything that we need here" i said to her while looking for some books and pens. She nodded and entered to the bathroom.

It's being a couple of time, since i have already prepared everything to the class, now i'm just wainting for Lucy leave the bathroom to take my turn. After i few minutes, she got out from the bath, and i looked at her 'how is she so beautiful? Wait why did i thought that, she is my partner, a wonde- STOP, i need to cease this thoughts.' just when i heard Lucy's voice.

Lucy:"Are you allright there?" She said with a small smile.

(Y/N):"Uh, Y-yeah, i'm allright, don't worry." i said blushing a bit."I-i'm going on know." i said hurrying to the bathroom. I was a bit tense, and hoping that she didn't noticed my blushing, i'm going to the bath to relax a bit.

Timeskip of 25 minutes brought to you by Cinder fall looking with fear towards Ebrietas.

Lucy's POV.

'I think i'm ready know, i just wanted to know why (Y/N) acted a bit strange. I'll ask him later' i thought my self looking to the window, having a wonder sight of beacon being illuminated by the sunrise. 'That's wonderful, i just imagine if Cainhurst is doing well.' i thought getting a bit worried. Until i heard (Y/N) getting out of the bathroom, just with the towel on his waist.

Lucy:"(Y-Y/N)!!!" i screamed putting my hand on my face blushing a lot, but i already had the image of his body, his perfectly shapped and pale body, with a six pack decorating his body.'why my hand is getting wet?' i thought to my self when i noticed that my nose was bleeding'shit! hope he didn't saw this.'

(Y/N):"I'm really sorry, i forgot my clothes here, sorry Lucy" He said getting his clothes as fast as he can and went to the bathroom.

Lucy:"my god .,. " i said to myself being as red as the bloodmoon.'when did he got so well shaped, and, beautiful' my thoughts just got me more and more red and more blood came out of my nose. Then (Y/N) got out of the bathroom.

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