Part9:An Old Hunter.

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So, this is the "Last" part that i'll post, the next one will be after the next week,  i'm going to do somethings that would make you be satisfied, and wanting for mor. I hope.





3rd person's pov

???:"Hold there Confederates." Someone said, making (Y/N) and Lucy stop by what they heard.

There was silence in the air, even though there was some people around, (Y/N) and Lucy was just hearing one voice, the voice of their first friend, out in the hunters world.(So, in this history, our hunters can be at any "convenant" such as vileblood, or the league at the same time.).

(Y/N)'s Pov

I heard a familiar voice, a voice that i did't heard a long time ago, is that really him?

(Y/N):"Valtr?" i asked looking at my back with eyes opens.

Valtr:"You've grown well (Y/N), As for you Lucy, I'm happy that i didn't lost you, the league is better with you." he said with his deep voice showing happiness as he approached us.

Lucy:"VALTR!!!" she screamed as he hugged her. He has been like a father to us.

Valtr:"Hold there little kitten, you weren't this happy in our homeland." he said with a chuckle.

(Y/N):"Do you need to eat something? You might need a place to live right?" i asked to him.

Valtr:"I must say that i'm not hungry, but that i don't know where to stay." He said looking at us, until he noticed Blake."And, who might you be? You scent as a beast, do you act like one?" he asked without changing his position, but, that doesn't mean that he's with his guard down.

Blake's POV.

'did he said that i scent as a beast? but i took a shower yesterday, and he is very familiar with (Y/N) and Lucy, is he a hunter just like them?' i thought to my self.

Blake:"i'm Blake Belladona, it's a pleasure to meet you Sir" I said bowing towards him."And no, i don't act like a beast" i said a bit ashamed needing to say that.

Valtr:"Then, why are you covering your ears little one? Afraid of hunters or something else?" he asked to me, which made me get very surprised at this.'HOW? HOW THEY KNOW IT SO EASILY?' i screamed in my head.

Blake:"I'm not afraid of hunters, i just don't want people to recognize me." i said to him.

Valtr:"Then, no need to fear child, i mean you no harm." he said with a calm voice.

(Y/N):"Blake this is Valtr, He is the master of the league of hunters" he said to me which made me have wide open eyes.

Lucy:"And he offered us help on a mission, since then we could get the help of our confederates of the league." she said to me.

(Y/N):"Dammit" he said as like he remembered something.

Blake:"What's wrong (Y/N)?" i asked worried.

(Y/N):"We have to go back to beacon, or else Ozpin will get mad at us." he said looking at me and then Lucy.

Valtr:"What is Beacon and who's this Ozpin?" he asked curiously.

Lucy:"It's a school for potential hunters, and Ozpin is the leader of it." she said looking at him.

Valtr:"Hunters?Interesting. would you mind if i go with you? i could pass some wisdom of my own."He asked glaring at (Y/N) and Lucy.

A madman in the other world (bloodborne male reader in RWBY's World.)Where stories live. Discover now