Part 3:A new friend, A new life

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Hey guys, i'm here again with a brand new chapter for you, with some developing on the relation ship between our dear characters.

i hope you like it.




Although, sorry about the line that starts the history, i am writing in the computer,  but i only realized it on my cellphone when i opened.


3rd person POV

They were going with Glynda Goodwitch, to answer some questions about all those things that happened with Torchwick and his crew. After a while walking through the empty and dark streets, they all arrived at a strange building.

(Y/N)'s POV

Glynda:"This is the place, please follow me"  she said with authority in her voice.

The place was pretty old, with some spider's web and some broken planks on the ground, it makes me fell in my old home in yharnam, i took a deep breath just by a nostalgic instinct, just as Lucy.

Ruby:"Are you both ok?" She said with a confused smile

(Y/N):"It's everything allright, it just remembers my old house in my homeland." I said to her."but I'm glad that all those things ended." I said a bit sad.

Lucy:"Hey, don't remember that, it's going to hurt you" she said hugging me for a moment.

Ruby:"What happened to him?" she said concerned.

(Y/N):"Sorry Ruby, but it's better to you that i don't tell you this." i said to her

Ruby:"Oh, ok then, just know that i'm your friend (Y/N)" She said with a warming smile.

Glynda:"Miss Rose, come on in please, and you both wait here." she said with serious voice

Right then, Ruby enters the room, me and Lucy was sitting on a bench inside that building, i took off my helmet as Lucy took off her mask. After a while she was getting tired and layed her head on my lap, as i was stroking her hair, while staring at her crimson eyes.

Lucy's POV

I was laying in (Y/N)'s legs, as he was caresing my hair and when i noticed, he was staring at me, with his beautiful and deep (E/C) eyes, when i noticed it, i started to blush a lot, I've never felt this way before, is that what my parents said no one would ever feel for me? is this really love?' i thought which made me feel sad.

(Y/N):"Hey, no need to feel bad Lucy, i'm here just for you" He said with a warm voice, which made me blush even more.

Lucy:"Thanks (Y/N)" I said with a smile while i let out a tear, that he wipped out with his finger, and started caresing my cheek.

We stayed like this for a while, until we saw a man with a white to gray hair with shaded glass spectacles, his outfit is an unzipped black suit over a dark green, buttoned vest and green shirt. He also wears black trouser shoes and long, dark-green pants. He was holding a plate with a portion of a food that we never saw before, and a mug on the other hand.

???(Ozpin): "Good evening" he said with a gentle voice, that remembered me a noble of Cainhurst.

He enters the room, and stayed there for a while with Glynda and Ruby. We waited our turn until then.

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