Part14: A world trouble.

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Hello guys, here is another chapter, i already thought the rest of the story for now, with this one, there will be more 2 chapters, and a conclusion, So until them, at the end of this one i'll put a votation, to see what will be the next story.





Team RWBY's POV.

Blake:"We need to talk to them, and get answers about what happened." she said looking to the girls.

Yang:"She's right, let's go." Yang said as she led the way out of the dorm.

Walking through the corridors, we bumped into Team JNPR.

Jaune:"Hey there guys, what's the hurry?" he asked.

Ruby:"We have to talk with (Y/N) and his team, it's like an emergency" she said in a hurry.

Pyrrah:"Why, one of them got hurt?" she asked worried.

Weiss:"Making it quick, we all had the same dream, now we need to talk to them" She said looking at Pyrrah.

Ren:"How? Just how?" he asked curiously.

Jaune:"mind if we come with you?" he asked as the team just nodded.

They all started to follow us to the dorm of Team (Y/N)LVV, Going through the corridors, they arrive to the dorm, Ruby knocked the door, hoping to get a response, then... Valtr answered the door.

Valtr:"Hello Miss Rose, How may i help you?" he asked.

Ruby:"Can we talk to (Y/N)?" she asked worried.

Valtr:"Of course, come on in" he said, as the girls entered, they were all amazed by the look of the room, it was a vitorean style, and had a fireplace between the bunk beds, 'how did they make this?' i asked myself amazed by this look.

Blake:"How did you do all of this, and how could Ozpin let a fireplace here?" she asked amazed looking at all of the decoration.

Vladus:"Probably the arcane that flows our blood, we can make a small space be part of the hunters Dream, unfortunatelly it doesn't work with living things." he said to us.

Weiss:"Hunters dream?" she asked curiously.

(Y/N):"A safe place for hunters, and a haven as well for lost hunters" he said explaining."And it has it own plane of existence" he said which made us even more confused."Before you ask, there are things that even me and my friends doesn't know. Sowhat can we help you?" he asked looking at us, as if he already knew what we were about to ask.

Yang:"Well, all of that dream, was it real, or at least connected to each other" Yang asked pointing to each member of her team.

Lucy:"The dream was real, we truly arrived Cainhurst, and talked to our queen, that's why there is something bad that is going to happen." she said coldly to us.

Weiss:"But how, we woke up in our beds, and i didn't remember getting here." she said a bit angry."And what bad could happen? we are in beacon, and it's not like something bad could happen here." she said crossing her arms.

(Y/N):"With the chalice in this world, in the hands of those who don't know what it do, the worst thing is to turn this whole world into a Blood mess full of creppy beasts and fire everywhere, the faunus is a huge ammount of people here, so if the bloodmoon arrives, there won't be any hope for a future." he said with sorrow, which made us realize the gravity of the situation.

A madman in the other world (bloodborne male reader in RWBY's World.)Where stories live. Discover now