Part 15: The battle.

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So, i know that i've been out for a long time, and i want to apologize, my computer had a little problem and couldn't turn it on, and my cellphone don't have enought space for Wattpad, but i'm back, i hope you forgive me.





(Y/N)'s POV 6:00 AM

I woke up, judging by the sun position it must be 6 A.M., i got up, i could feel my heart beating faster, i was tense, 'is it fear?' i asked myself, 'fear from what, that girl?No, she doesn't seem strong, what makes me fear is the chalice.' i concluded, Lucy, Vladus and Valtr was still sleeping.

(Y/N):"i must inform Ozpin about the girl." i said to myself as i changed to my armor, and got my chikage with the loch Shield."She must die now." i said as i walk off the dorm. There was a cold breeze coming from the corridor.

I walked to the elevator to Ozpin's office, getting there i used the button and went directly to a basement, or more like Halls, it was really dark, with some lamps, but it couldn't illuminate so much, walking through i found Ozpin at the end, with somekind of capsule with a person inside of it, connected by tubes to another capsule but empty.

Ozpin:"Come here (Y/N), i imagined that you would come here sometime." he said looking at the person inside.

(Y/N):"Who is she?" i asked pointing to her.

Ozpin:"Do you belive in magic?" he asked avoiding my question.

(Y/N):"Sincerely no. It doesn't exist something like magic, just the unknown truth that we prefer to fantasy it as magic" i said with a cold voice."If she is somekind of magician, then her powers were led by a higher being." i said pointing at her.

Ozpin:"You might be right, but nonetheless, she is a vital piece for the war, and the girl with the season name, might be the same one that attacked her. The fall Maiden." he said to me.

(Y/N):"Fall Maiden?" i asked to him.

Ozpin:"there was a story: "The story goes that an old is visited by four sisters, who each in their own unique ways are kind to him; by encouraging him to meditate and reflect, by bringing him fruit and flowers and revitalizing his garden, convincing him to step outside and embrace the world, and by encouraging him to be thankful for what he has. The wizard gives the four sisters great powers in return for their kindness, and as the embodiment of the four seasons, they go through Remnant spreading their gifts." This one was the Fall maiden, Amber.But half of her powers were drained, and if she die, this half will seek to become one again. And knowing this, we need to take care of this problem right now." he said to me, explaining her importance.

(Y/N):"Then, if you allow me, i must kill one of your students" i said as i walked back to the elevator.

Ozpin:"What?!!" He asked surprised.

(Y/N):"There is a new student, or team, the leader is Cinder, Cinder Fall. She have a high level of impurity in her heart. She need to be cleansed from this world." i said as i got to the elevator.

Ozpin:"Then, i just wish luck to you and your team." he said waiting there.

I got to the elevator and went to my dorm, and waited looking at the sunshine, it was beautiful, and probably the last time that i would see it. 'With the chalice destroyed, we will die? or what?' i asked to myself, i didn't want to lose my friends, i really don't. My thoughts were running, and i saw Lucy getting up.

A madman in the other world (bloodborne male reader in RWBY's World.)Where stories live. Discover now