Abandoned again.

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"Chloe, I really am the devil.. "
And here came the time for sentence. He didn't believe he actually did this - The Devil, Lucifer freaking Morningstar; he just split open his rib and gave his heart to the woman in front of him. And now it was up to her to crush that beating heart and stomp it under her boots of rejection or to embrace it with her love.
Lucifer felt his heart beating erratically like a wounded bird trapped in the cage. Fear seeped into his vein like ice and he waited with abated breath. Waited for her answer, her acceptance or rejection.

The moment came not too long after. The woman gave her answer and Lucifer heaved a sigh he didn't know he was holding.

"No you are not, not to me.. " Chloe sincerely replied, her eyes beaming will so much love that Lucifer found himself drowning in them. She cupped his jaw, to support him silently and all his walls crumpled down. He was finally going to be happy - that one notion he didn't even imagine for eons. And the reason was standing right in front of him. At least one human, saw him past the monster people claimed him to be.. At least there would be one lady who will love him for who he was. And maybe love wasn't that bad; love for her wasn't bad at all. And he leaned in to kiss that goddess..


"No more metaphors, i already said, you might look at yourself like that, but you are not.. " The detective said..

"Lately even I am not seeing myself in that way.. " He smiled with a softness  he didn't know he had. As much as the time was wrong, the place was wrong - they had a psychotic Criminal mastermind to arrest, one look at her and he already itched to pull her close and give into the overwhelming sensation his heart was fluttering for.
When had he felt this ecstatic?! Surely this had to be her charm - a part of her being a miracle. Right?

He had finally let someone this close in his too long, immortal life; Linda would be so proud of him that he finally got hold of his emotions - the very ones he found inconvenient before.

Chloe made him a better person, a good man. And he dared to think that he found Redemption with her. She had accepted all his shenanigans and bits and bytes, who knew maybe Chloe would accept him even after seeing his wings - the literal proof of him being the Devil? He would have to show her real soon and as much as he was terrified of her reaction, the revelation would be a necessary evil and she deserved to know. And if she wouldn't accept him...Well... He didn't want to walk on that particular eggshell now.
Surely she would accept him right? That's what she had been telling him since the beginning of their partnership?

She had known him for years, she should know that the Devil was nothing but a jolly, innocent business man. She should know that he is not capable of anything evil, even if the world around him claimed him to be the King of Evil.. Right? Chloe would know that? Wouldn't she?
And Lucifer allowed that beacon of light to glow in the deepest corner of his heart - hope.

It felt as if some unknown cosmic force was choking the life out of him, drawing out whatever remnants of hope and happiness he prayed for.

The whole world came crashing right in front of him.. That look in her eyes - it was anything but love, full of disgust, horror and hatred. He knew that look too well. That was the look he saw in every criminal's face when they would witness the monstrosity of a certain charred, grotesque face. That was the look he would see in every damned soul begging for their life, trying to get out of their guilt.

It was the look of repulsion, hatred, fear.

Hatred was bad enough.. But when hatred would mix with fear, that was even worse. Those serene blue eyes, which were like a relaxing sea wave washing away all the wariness, were now simmering with cold terror. He knew why -  red, charred skin of his, those fiery red eyes, the lifeless corpse of Cain lying in front of them, all of them screaming and merging into cacaphony telling he was a monster.. Evil..

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