:3: Santana

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Santana had been bouncing around for the last year with her wife Brittany. After the two got married they traveled around together having amazing girl time and exploring some really cool places. They'd come back to visit throughout the trip they'd come down once Will gained control of the school again. And Santana offered to stay a while few months to a year to help out with Sam. Brittany was eager to help out as well.

Santana suggested Will reach out to the previous Glee Club students. The ones who were chased off by Sue. And more then half agreed to come back within a week's time, But she only cared that Marley had agreed. Not even two days after being invited back had Marley and her mother agreed.

She may have also nudged Will to get Marley's mother a raise so the two could afford a nicer place and have less worries. She'd checked in on Marley over the year with letters and phone calls to her mother. Trying to make sure Marley kept up with her therapy and had continued to eat after Santana had pushed her back to health.

Santana thought of Marley like a little sister and she cared about how things went for her. Hence inviting Marley to return to McKinley High! Knowing Marley would wanna see the school before anyone else she went there the day before anyone else was set to arrive and low and behold? Marley was looking around the new Glee Club room. Well.. not new but improved. Bigger with better equipment and cozy chairs to sit in. They'd done such amazing work in such a short amount of time.

It did suck that they got rid of football and cheerleaders as Santana grew here and based her future off her cheerleading days. She still enjoyed doing it and ever since Britt moved to New York with her she got to do it more often in school and got bigger football teams with bigger crowds which Santana throughally enjoyed specially being there head cheerleader a spot she gained quickly due to her skill and dedication.

Once she snuck up on Marley the two sat together in the new chairs and talked about all the changes. Talked about how things had been for them. Once Marley had moved it was hard to find her and she hadn't managed to until after the wedding one she had wished Marley was able to attend, but she was glad to have her here now.

They discussed the future of the Glee Club. The different levels Will had created and the future competitions they would be able to join. Marley's face lit up with happiness when she found out about the costumes the props the budget how much more freedom the Glee club had now it was all beyond exciting and Santana loved to see her glow with happiness.

The girls had spent hours talking and Santana showed her around the school all the different classes the subjects she could have besides Glee. There was so much for her to see and Santana was glad she got to show it to her.

Afterwards? The two girls hit up bread sticks where they got a late dinner and talked more. Brittany joined them for dinner and they all caught up on places they'd gone things they had done. Any boys in Marley's life.. currently? Zero. Not since she'd left the halls of McKinley where the boys were overly dramatic and felt the need to sing every emotion they ever felt. Jake and Ryder... Both had agreed to return to McKinley as well, but she hadn't told Marley yet not sure how she would take the news...

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