:28: Holidays 2

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 December 23rd 2020

Marley looks over at the neatly wrapped pile of gifts in the corner. Tomorrow it the Glee Club Christmas party and she wasn't sure if she would be going or not. She had spent the last few days moping around the apartment ignoring her mother's request to go out get air and enjoy all this season had to offer.. it didn't feel like it was offering much to her and she wasn't sure if she could handle being outdoors right now everyone around her seemed so happy, yet she was still struggling inside. She'd been ignoring Ryder in hopes it would bring back her friends, but it hasn't worked and she was still alone...

She lay in bed staring at the ceiling unable to fall asleep as thoughts swirled in her head. She spent the night tossing and turning and when the sun started to come up her heart started to race because she knew it would be time for the Christmas party soon and she still wasn't sure if she was ready to go or not.. but hours later her mom knocked on her door to remind her that she needed to get ready to go.. that Santana was suppose to pick her up soon, she'd forgotten Santana was her ride and now? She doubted her sister like friend would even bother to show up.. she would probably blow her off.. the thought alone hurt like crazy.

Marley dragged herself out of bed and got ready for the day. She dressed in the outfit she had picked for this a month ago and looked at herself in the body length mirror.. She messed with her curly hair and sighed in frustration she didn't put any makeup on because she wasn't in the mood she doubted she would be going anyway. She went downstairs and had a silent breakfast with her mother. Her mom had been giving her space even tho she had been worried about her she didn't want to push. Her mom spoke with Santana a dozen times even if Marley hadn't. Santana had become a second daughter to her and she knew how much Santana meant to marley..

After breakfast Marley sat on the couch flicking through the channels. She waited with high doubt for Santana to appear. She laid her head onto the back of the couch with a Wearily sad sigh and looked at the gifts once again.. She knew they'd love what was inside.. if they ever got them that is.. she'd worked so hard to get the money for these gifts.. she wanted them to be special from the heart things that really mattered.. but now? She didn't feel like any of it mattered not even her.

Marley was surprised when Santana showed up at her door a half hour early. Her mother rushed her out the door with the gifts, but Marley was silent she got the gifts into the trunk then she got into the back seat pulling on her belt and looking down at her shoes. Brit looks back at her and gives her a friendly caring smile. Brit was always sweet tho least to those who didn't hurt her, but Marley couldn't even fake a smile this time she gave her a sad smile and looked out the window fingers laced together on her lap while Santana drove.

Brit sighed and gave Santana a look. Santana puffed out air and pulled into the school parking lot before getting out. Marley got out too and went to fetch the gifts, but Santana stopped her at the cars edge. Marley looks at her weary and confused but Santana pulls the younger girl into a soft but loving hug and gives her a small squeeze. Marley falls apart instantly and she cries as she clings onto Santana like she's holding onto life itself. Brit rubs Marley's back from behind in hopes of helping to calm her down and Santana looks at her broken hearted seeing her so upset hits her hard. Marley had done nothing, but apologize for almost the entire month for a stupid date. Santana hugs her tighter and murmurs softly "It's gonna be alright Marley, I've got you. I know it's been a shit month and I'm sorry I flipped out about you and Ryder. I put you through hell over it and it was stupid. It was a date it wasn't anything huge or horrible and I'm sorry I made it seem that way. It just unraveled all the hard work we did least that's how it felt but everyone gets lonely specially during the holidays and I know if I didn't have Brit I would go insane I'm sorry I didn't understand at the same Marley I really am" Santana assures hugging her tighter if possible.

Marley sobs for a while her heart a mess from Santana's words and it takes a while for things to calm down. By the time they do? Kitty has already come by and offered her hugs as well she too apologized to Marley. Before Marley could blink half the party was outside and hugging her some had no idea what was going on because they'd just flown in for the holidays, but they surrounded Marley with the love she needed to feel a little better about the holidays. After a while they all headed inside with the gifts in tow. Unfortunately....? There was one person who seemed intent on not forgiving Marley just yet.

Sam... He couldn't even look into her eyes. She frowns a little but Santana hugs her. Santana knew things that Marley didn't so she kept Marley within her reach determined for this Christmas party to work out and be fun. Marley felt alright she hated that Sam was keeping his distance and she had no clue why him.. of all people couldn't get over it? It hadn't effected the club everyone was still doing there best and they had made it super far together. Ryder was taking it really well he was at the party and he was sweet to Marley about the situation, but Ryder was always sweet about everything so that wasn't a huge surprise. They agreed to go back to being friends but still Sam sulked in a corner watching everyone else enjoy the Christmas party and the wonderful thoughtful gifts they had gotten each other.

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