:39: Christmas Kiss?

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December 25th 2020
(Christmas Day)

Marley's Christmas Day was spent with her mother she woke up to the sound of her doorbell. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and stumbled across the living room to her front door she pulled it open and to her surprise Sam was standing on the other side. He smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck as he attempted to find an excuse for being there so early on Christmas. Marley tilts her head in confusion but smiles nonetheless she's happy to see him especially after yesterday's Christmas party he avoided her and now she could ask him why.

Marley invites Sam into her apartment her mother is still sleeping and the two of them head to the living room together she sits upon the couch and motions for him to sit beside her. He seems nervous but he takes the seat and his hands playing his lap as he figures out what to say. Marley giggles to herself Sam was acting different unlike his usual bubbly self she was curious what was going through his head.

"Sam, what's going on? Is everything okay?" Marley's speaks soft sweetly but still he's unable to meet her gaze.

She Settles one of her hands onto his and squeezes softly she's concerned now with something really wrong had something happened with somebody hurt she'd started to get worried. "Sam.. talk to me. Is everything ok?" She speaks a little firmer looking over his face with a soft frown trying so hard to read his expression. Sam sighs a little and finally looks over at her. His gaze wonders across her face and he leans closer. Marley is confused and curious so she doesn't move she assumes he's going to tell her what's going on because he's making himself comfortable.

But much to her surprise his lips brush across hers. She Inhales sharply in surprise her eyes fluttering partially shut and her lips tingle from the feel of his. "I like you Marley.. a lot. More then I can explain. I was stupid jealous when you went on that date with Ryder that's why I avoided you" His lips are still brushing against hers as he speaks he needed to get that off his chest before he could go any further and the second he had finish he full on kissed her. His lips enveloped hers in soft warmth and she melted into it into him.. her eyes fluttered shut and her head swirled trying to process the situation and what he had said, but his lips against hers were distracting making her head fuzzy as he laced there fingers together.

He breaks the kiss slowly and she Exhales sharply as he does already missing the feel of his lips against hers. Her cheeks are bright red and her eyes flutter open slowly connecting with his her breathing is unsteady and she's speechless at the moment but he smiles a little feeling proud of himself for multiple reasons.

He cups her cheek his thumb rubbing her skin softly his eyes locked with hers. "Go out with me Marley?" He asks breathily and she smiles a little biting the inside of her lip ready to answer...

But before she can in comes her mom and she raises a brow at them curiously. "Staying for Christmas Sam?" She asks knowing she'll talk to Marley later. "He is" Marley replies for him and he smiles at her again.

(Keep or ditch? Do you like them as a couple? Or.. should it not work out? Opinions please! Sam def seemed better then Ryder and Jake x.x )

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