:23: PROM!

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Prom was finally here and people were arriving in the gym all dressed up as Lady Gaga or Katy Perry. Marley stood with Kitty and Santana in there own outfits watching everyone enter the prom. Everyone had a drink in hand and they were enjoying the music. Right now Kurt & Blaine were on stage singing Firework By: Katy Perry. Couples were together on the dance floor and it felt like a surreal dream because all there hard work had paid off and it was finally here.

Marley squeals with excitement as she watches everyone have a good time. "Let's dance" Kitty says pulling Marley to the dance floor where they danced together with smiles on there faces. Marley spins with around Kitty who giggles at her softly.

Santana moves her arms around Brittany with a content smile. Brittany leans back against Santana with a smile of her own watching everyone have a good time brought back there own prom memories. Not all of them were the best but they helped shape who they became and neither of them would change it for the world because now they had each other forever and they got to help others with there dreams.

Quinn and Puckerman were on the dance floor together. He was in his uniform and she looked as beautiful forever in a prom dress. Her prom hadn't been the best either so it was nice to have a do-over to go with who she was mean to be with. She was happy now and happy to come back and share her success with others to help them along.

Kurt and Blaine left the stage to dance while Tina & Mercedes took the stage to sing a Gaga song together. Mercedes was always happy to come back to see her friends and share what she had been through. Tina sang with Mercedes like the good old days and she too loved where she was currently in life. Everyone had somehow found where they were meant to be even if it was a struggle at first.

Rachel went back to school after her failed TV Series and now she was back on broadway killing it like always. She was nostalgic coming back here walking the halls filled with years of memories good and bad and some sad ones too. But being here molded who she had become for the better.

Artie had enjoyed his time in school and started producing his own movies. He was loving his job and the people he was surrounded by. He spun on the dance floor in his wheelchair with a smile hooting at the girls on stage with a smile.

Jake and Ryder had suffered the rejection from Marley and they had brought dates of there own. But neither were to interested in them. The girls begged them to dance and they gave into them bringing them to the dance floor. Both guys were watching Marley and Kitty dance as they moved about with there dance partners. They were some of the only ones not really enjoying themselves tonight.

Marley was a mess of smiles and giggles as her and Kitty danced around the floor with repeat apologies to couples they ran into with there chaotic fun moves. Eventually they needed a break so they went to get a drink. It was lively and energetic the way a Prom should be. Most everyone was having an amazing time and Marley loved to see so many happy faces. She gave a friendly wave to Ryder and Jake when she noticed them staring. It stung a little that they had found dates, but she knew it was for the best it was the start of them finally moving on which would give her the time she needed to focus on the upcoming sectionals. She had a solo this year and she wanted to be very prepared for it. Which meant absolutely no distractions what so ever.

Prom continued deep into the night dancing and singing everyone getting a turn on stage. There wasn't a king or queen this year. But the best Gaga and Katy costumes. The winners got a gift card to breadstix and Brittany and Artie had won them they had been very creative with there outfits.

Prom ended on a good note. Everyone headed out after 10PM and left the school. Santana dropped Kitty and Marley at home both girls tuckered from the dancing they fell into bed as quick as possible. Marley talked to her mother about prom while she laid down and her mom was happy to hear about how good it was.

Santana went home with Britt and the two changed from the costumes before settling down into bed together gazing lovingly at one another with soft smiles. "This has to be the best year ever. All because of you" Britt coos and Santana blushes with a smile "Only because I have my amazing wife by my side" Santana assures. They share a sweet kiss before they fall asleep too.

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