:16: Another Monday

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Marley was struggling all weekend long because of Jake's surprise visit. She'd had at LEAST a dozen break downs reliving those moments of her Sophomore year she'd spent fawning over him. Somehow she had managed to get to school on Monday morning with a giant push from Santana to walk with her head high.. but the halls? They held so much.. so many memories and they flooded Marley it was like walking into a brick wall everywhere she went held a memory of her and Jake. She had her head down the entire day to scared to see him after what had happened after what he had said.

Between classes Marley waited for Kitty so they could walk together her head in her book just so she wasn't tempted to look around... But she felt his gaze and she knew it was him. She glanced up there eyes locking for a split second as he walked down the hall until Kitty cut off contact by stepping in front of Marley with a smile blocking her view on purpose. "The lost puppy look Marley. You can't do that because it's giving him power over you" Kitty states linking there arms and pulling Marley away from the area.

Marley sighs "It's not that easy Kitty.. I'm surrounded by our history every single day and I didn't even realize till he popped up that night it's like I'm being sucked back into Sophomore year all over again" Marley whines softly laying her head onto Kitty's shoulder and Kitty sighs gently. "It's always been there Marley. You pushed it aside before and with help and guidance you can do it again because we want what's best for you and that isn't Jake" She says softly.

With help from Kitty she had somehow made it through the day without curling into a ball and crying in a bathroom stall. But when they entered Glee Club Marley was caught between a rock and a hard place. Jake sat in the back giving her a half smirk one she use to adore. Ryder sat in front with a friendly smile. She looked at Kitty and she shook her head before pulling Marley away from them both to a corner spot both guys looked disappointed and glares at one another silently blaming each other for it.

Marley sat silently through class while one of the other students sang. She clapped when it was finished and listened to the lesson she was in a hurry to leave because she could feel there gazes on her it was making her squirm in discomfort...

As soon as it ended she dashed out the door to escape Kitty and Santana followed close behind making sure neither of the guys followed her. They found her outside against the side of the school and glanced at each other knowingly before grabbing an arm each and walking with her to Santana's car. "You need more girl time Marley. We need to get those boys off your mind and get you re-focused on your future and your career and happiness" Santana said. "Were taking a trip Marley. You always feel better when you sing it out.. So were gonna go somewhere you can belt out the emotions and get them the hell off your chest" Kitty says with a smile. They gather her into the car and start the road trip.

Marley isn't sure where they're going, but it's no more then a couple hours drive from the school so she watches out the window her mind drifting to the boys that were driving her off the edge... She had to get over it again.

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