:29: Christmas Party

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Sam hadn't joined the group during the entire Christmas party. He watched as Marley mingled with everyone even Ryder who clung to her side like a lost puppy. He felt such a strange mixture about this situation and he was a little upset that everyone else had forgiven it so easily.. he hated that Marley had gone out with Ryder. He watched her cry over both Ryder and Jake and he didn't trust either of them even an Ounce. He was tired of watching them fight over her and for her. They didn't deserve her affection and she finally gave into one of them and Sam was worried that Marley would give into Jake next...

Jake destroyed Marley and Sam wanted nothing more then to punch Jake for doing so. He watched Marley try and heal herself after the mess Jake had created and he wasn't gonna watch it happen again. He leans on the wall and watches as Marley and Kitty dance together. Marley is happy again and he liked to see her smile he just hated the situation he didn't feel like he could enjoy himself right now.. he was to lost in his own head to focus on the holiday or the party at hand..

He had gotten Marley a gift months ago tho. He didn't want to give it to her in front of there friends it was something he wanted to give to her in private.. his original intention had been to visit her on Christmas after celebrating with his family and now he was up in the air about that.. he was worried she'd reject his gift and he didn't think he could handle that disappointment.. not after all the crap he went through with Mercedes and Rachel. He hadn't focused on anything but his music since that happened..

He sighs to himself and goes outside for some air. The festivities had become to much the happiness was a little overbearing and he just needed some space from it all to clear his head of all the nagging tension within..

(What do you think Sam is feeling? I know it's a shot chapter, but I wanted Sam to get a side to say how he was dealing with the drama. How should this unfold? What's your opinion?)

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