:35: Time Flies

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Marley had been so focused lately the nightmare had slipped to the back of her mind. After winning sectionals with an amazing solo might I add. She returned to the school with the rest of the Glee Club where they celebrating there win. It was an amazing dream like feeling one Marley never thought she'd be a part of, but somehow she was here surrounded by friends and her amazing boyfriend. She couldn't have pictured this any better.

Ryder and Jake had both been sour about Marley and Sam. Trying several methods to break the two up, but Santana had put a quick stop to the antics. She wouldn't have them Makin drama so close to the end of the year. Marley had been sending out her applications like crazy to all of her dreams schools and she had gotten so much help from all of her friends.

She looked around the Glee room and smiled sadly. They wouldn't be singing as often anymore not with the year ending. They all had to focus on college now and it was as scary as it was exciting. Marley flashed back to her nightmare while standing in the middle of the class. Her smile faltered into a frown and her heart started to ache. It was the end... Two weeks and they'd be going there sperate ways. Marley wasn't sure how to handle this. She was scared about losing contact with everyone no matter how much they promised not to and how often they said they would visit. She knew people got busy with life and they'd eventually miss the visiting days until they just stopped coming.

And Sam... He would be here. He would be teaching so far away from her. Sure she'd come back and see him, but how long could he handle that for? The distance.... It was super hard and she was scared...

She tenses slightly when someone wraps there arms around her from behind. She relaxes against them with a weak smile "Sam" She coos and he holds her a little tighter. "You weren't outside leaving with the others. I got worried" He says softly resting his chin onto her shoulder "Just.. thinking" She says quietly and he presses a kiss to her cheek.

"About the nightmare you had? You didn't really give me details Marley, but I know it had a negitive effect on you" He speaks with concern. He moves and takes her hand settling into a chair before bringing her onto his lap and lacing his arm around her the other holding her hand in his. "Tell me about your dream Marley?" He asks gently looking her face over and she sighs a little clearly nervous to say it out loud.

"Basically? It was the end of the year.. Everyone was leaving. Nobody noticed me.. and you walked away with another women." She whispers the explanation and he chuckles a little causing her to give a bewildered look "Why are you laughing?" She asks confused.

"Because that'll never happen Marley. We all love you to much to let you go like that. Nobody would leave you behind or pretend you didn't exist. Were a family in this club and we are always there for each other even after we leave this school. You honestly think Santana would let anyone forget you? Hell no. Not that anyone could because you're amazing Marley. And I know I'd never find a women I adore more then you. Yeah, it's gonna be hard sometimes on both of us, but you're gonna go and live your dream and I'll be right here waiting ok?" His words bring tears to her eyes and he's cradling her chin between his fingers with a soft honest smile.

She sniffles softly and wipes her tears "Okay Sam" She replies and he chuckles a little before pressing a sweet adoring kiss to her lips. She returns the kiss getting lost into him for the moment feeling safe in his arms this was her favorite spot to be and she knew she'd need this a lot the next couple weeks, but she also knew Sam was happy to give her what she needed.

The two part and he drives her home where they share yet another tender kiss before she's inside her apartment explaining everything to her mother.

(Not really sure where else I'm going so these are filled parts for the story. :) )

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