:7: Jake's Return

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(Trying to update the best I can! One of my fingers is out of operation right now so it's gonna be slow till it heals!)

Jake walked the halls alongside Ryder. He smiles as they reach there lockers the same ones they had years ago. Inside was a welcome back posted with a photo of the Glee Club back then. Jake smiles and touches Marley's photo. The two had ended on such bad terms it ruined the time he spent here and he was ripped away before he had a chance to make it right.

He looks at Ryder knowing how he felt about Marley. They had spoken about it and returned to being friends they played football together at there transfer school and received there invites back together. They both agreed to return because they missed it here they loved it and couldn't believe it had finally been turned into an arts school. Secretly they both wondered if Marley had returned. She hadn't seemed to be in any of his classes but he did notice Santana out and about in the halls. He wondered if Marley was with her the entire time.

Kitty had found him in the first class and welcomed him back. She seemed kinder then before and he appreciated her warm welcome. They talked through the class but he didn't wanna bring up Marley to her instead he kept quiet about it but remained curious the entire day.

He kept mostly quiet through the day. He met people here and there and they all seemed friendly enough some were definitely competitive tho as they had heard about him and his talent and were eager to outdo him. He didn't really care if they tried. Instead he met up with Ryder at the day's end and headed to Glee Club together. They were surrounded by people they didn't know.. a few familiar faces popped into the room Kitty was sitting in the bottom row and seemed to be waiting for someone.

Santana walked in with Marley and the second she did Jake could swear his heart stopped. It was Marley the beautiful sweet girl he fell hard for but there was something different.. something stronger about her. She looked more confident and in control then she use to and he couldn't imagine what she had gone through the last year and a half. How her and her mother had been. He worried about her a lot and now seeing her with this new hard shell made him curious what she'd dealt with...

She sat with Kitty paying attention to Sam when he spoke. Marley smiles at her and Ryder it was a friendly one and he barley managed to smile in return not sure exactly what it meant... Had she forgiven him? Did she move on? Was someone else in Marley's life making her smile like that? He had a dozen questions but he was much to weary of the answer to ask them. He watched her through class as Sam welcomed everyone back and talked about the lesson for the week. It was country he didn't mind that but he wondered if there was a song that would explain to Marley how sorry he was about what happened ... He'd have to find out after class.

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