:10: Santana & "The Talk"

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The next morning Santana arrived to school early with the intention of speaking to Ryder and Jake. She waited for them to arrive having texted them to meet her in the Glee Club classroom. She is leaned against the piano looking at her nails when the boys walk in together. They're a little afraid of Santana because they know how mean she can get if someone pisses her off. She points to the chair "Sit" She states before crossing her arms and giving them a warning look.

Both boys sink into the chairs and look at her Wearily. "What's this about?" Jake asks and Ryder nods with a confused look. Santana grabs a chair and twirls is backward sitting with her arms rested on the back and keeps her firm gaze on them. "Marley" She states and they both grow tense and glance at each other before looking back at Santana. "What about her?" Ryder asks.

They both know where this is going. What Santana is going to say. "Don't try anything stupid. Marley isn't up for dating this year and you two aren't going to try because if you do I'll revoke the invite to return. This is Marley's senior year and I'll be damned if you two are gonna make her upset by fighting over her again" Santana speaks calm but firm looking into there eyes while she talks.

Jake Fidgets and sighs softly "Why is any of this up to you?" He snaps softly clearly frustrated by Santana. Ryder doesn't wanna stir trouble but he's curious too. "Shouldn't this be up to Marley?" Ryder asks kindly. Santana laughs at Jake's reaction and shakes her head. She stands and kicks the chair it slides across the room and she stands in front of them with a pointed glare. "Marley said this herself. This year is about her and her friends making memories having fun and being able to sing. She doesn't want to date, but she also won't tell you two that because she's to sweet. And I know how soft she is on you two hence the warning. You will NOT ruin Marley's senior year or you won't be here to enjoy it with her. Understand me?" She states voice threatening.

Both boys share a look and sigh softly. They wanted Marley in there lives and with Santana around it was friends or nothing. Course Jake was also a smart ass who expected he could get away with anything. They both nod to Santana giving into her demands.. At least for now. "Fine. We won't bug her about dating or anything romantic well just be good friends ok?" Jake states with his arms crossed meeting Santana's gaze.

Does she believe him? Heck no! Is she gonna keep her eyes on him? Duh! Jake was a Puckerman smooth and stupid. She'd never trust his word and she wouldn't ever let him be alone with Marley. He hurt her the most and he's lucky he even got an invite to return in the first place. She stares him down for a few seconds.

"I'll know if you try Jake. I have eyes around this place and if you so much as look at her the wrong way you'll be thrown back to that stupid school you returned from" She hisses at him. Jake puts his hands up in defense. "Whatever you say Santana. I already said I wouldn't try anything" He replies before getting up. Ryder looks at them both he also knew Jake would still try. He was a stubborn guy and Ryder didn't want Jake to win not this time. He wasn't right for Marley even if they were back to being friends he wouldn't lose to him this time.

Both boys left the room after the first bell and Santana watched them with a glare knowing they would mess up eventually. She crosses her arms and texts Kitty to keep a good eye on Marley specially around those two.

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