:19: Santana's Surprise

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A few months had passed since she returned to McKinley to help Sam with the Glee Club. She was so deep into everything that she had forgotten what was coming up. She was keeping her eyes on Marley and keeping tabs on Jake and Ryder to ensure they didn't pull anything stupid. She was also watching Marley and her new friend.

Marley and Brittany had brought there other friends into there plan for Santana. She walked around the school not knowing why she hadn't seen them yet. She walks to Glee but Sam isn't there either she's utterly confused about this. Until she gets a text telling her to come to the auditorium she sighs softly thinking Sam arranged a surprise number he wanted her advice on so that's where she headed.

The entire glee club along with her friends who had graduated await her in the auditorium. She walks in and down the stairs when the stage curtains begin to open. She's utterly surprised to see everyone there and her mouth opens in shock. "What's going on?" She asks confused. "You've been so busy you forgot an important day Santana" Marley explains with a smile. The others around her start and low hum and she begins to sing the happy birthday song.

Will wheels out a large luxury cake and sings along with her. Santana is in awe and shock tears well in her eyes as she joins them on stage. As soon as they've finished singing she's hugging them tightly. She tries her hardest not to cry while she hugs everyone. "You are all amazing" She says lovingly and Marley laughs "You're the amazing one! You've done everything for us Santana and we wanted to help you celebrate another year because you deserve something special and to be surrounded by love" Marley says and Santana hugs her tight a second time.

"Thank you" She whispers with a soft tear rolling down her cheek. Marley brushes it away and squeezes her a little. "Let's enjoy your party. Everyone's come a long way to be here" She replies and she wasn't wrong. Quinn Mercedes Unique Rachel Artie Tina and basically everyone whose ever been in Glee club came to be with them today. Puckerman was there too. It was a huge amount of people in one room and Santana felt nothing but pure love around her.

She enjoyed her party to the fullest extent. She opened her gifts had cake and sang with her friends it was hours and hours of fun it was almost never ending. Somehow it did end and everyone had a sleepover in the auditorium together with sleeping bags and movies on the screen. Santana fell asleep in the early morning hours having caught up with everyone she hadn't seen in a while. She never wanted this day to end but it turned out to be her best night's sleep ever. She shared a bag with Brit and she couldn't have been happier to do so.

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