:14: Surprise Sleepover Guest

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The girls giggle wildly and crowd around Mercedes who smiles boldly and hugs everyone of them. "Hey girls!" She says cheerfully before flicking on some music and pulling Marley up with her. "Sing with me" She states and Marley blushes with a smile "Of course!" She replies surprised but happy. Marley has always looked up to Mercedes who made a name for herself who worked hard to get where she was. Marley stood beside her and they sang together beautifully. The others crowded around and pitched in for any needed background voices. Marley felt as if she was on cloud 9 tonight and she never wanted it to end.

The girls sang together on and off for the first few hours just laughing and having an amazing time together. Before long they'd all gotten hungry and sat down for some pizza and a movie they were huddled in the couch and the floor all deeply into the movie Santana had picked out to watch.

During the movie Mercedes took Marley aside so she didn't interrupt any of the other girls. She leaned on the counter and smiled at Marley. "Senior year is huge Marley. What do you wanna do when you graduate?" She asks and Marley bites her lip with a dreamy smile. "I wanna sing. I want everyone to hear me sing. Like you! Make my own music and have concerts with thousands of fans!" Marley was giddy and cute as she spoke about her dream future and Mercedes listened with a soft smile. She felt proud that Marley inspired to be like her and glad she could inspire people in general to go for there dreams.

Mercedes nods softly at Marley "Sounds like a wonderful dream Marley. One I wanna help you achieve. I think you have a huge talent an amazing voice and it really does deserve to be heard by the world. I want to give you tips things I didn't know when I first got into this I want to help you avoid all the drama and pain I had to go through to get this far. I know it created who I am but it left some trauma behind too. And I don't want you anymore traumatized then you already have been" She Explains and Marley blushes softly before hugging Mercedes tightly.

"You have no idea how much that means to me Mercedes" Marley says cheerfully and slowly let's go.

Mercedes and Marley sit outside for a while on the porch swing they're wrapped in blankets while they talk. Marley has dozens of questions and Mercedes doesn't hesitate to answer them the best she can. They discuss the buisness and the best way to make a name for herself. Mercedes thinks her name is beautiful and would look amazing on a CD cover. "Maybe a photo of you in a field of flowers you're laying there hair spread about carefully. I think it would fit your sweet personality" Mercedes suggests and Marley blushes with a smile it sounded perfect and she honestly loved the idea of it. She loved flowers and being outdoors so it seemed like the perfect idea for her CD cover.

A few hours are spent talking back and forth until it's to cold to be outside any longer. They return inside and Santana winks at Mercedes who gives her s thumbs up in return. Marley cuddled up on one of the couches with a content smile it felt like things were finally falling into place where she wanted them. She couldn't wait till she was out there in the world.

(Huge shout-out to hurtzzzz178 for the idea to bring Mercedes in for advice!)

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