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December 21, 1994;


The boy spun around, his attention now on the girl who stood in his doorway. "Emily." He spoke breathlessly.

She rubbed her hands together, nervous to ask the question she was about to. The half-packed duffle bag pretty much gave her the answer, though.

"Y-You... are you leaving?"

Luke looked guilty. He'd prepared himself to leave his parents, but his best friend? The Patterson boy had hoped to skip town without coming across the girl. Today was the day he dreaded the most.

Emily Dylan and Luke Patterson had been best friends since kindergarten — the total best friend cliche. Their families were neighbors, the two spent practically every day together. Emily had even been the first person Luke had ever shared his passion for music with. She was the one who gave him the confidence to pursue his dreams.

When Luke and their friends started their band, Emily was all for it. Then Luke mentioned that he planned on devoting all of his time to it. And, like his parents, Emily had her doubts about the boy giving up his entire life for the band and she made sure Luke knew that. The girl was always one to speak her mind.

And that's where their friendship became rocky.

Luke was determined to make it big time with his band — Sunset Curve. The band was made up of Luke, Bobby, Reggie, and Alex. They were all lifelong friends of the girl, but Emily and Luke had always been the closest.

"I'm planning on it." He mumbled, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

Even though she knew this would be the answer, but her heart still shattered at the confirmation. "So, you're just going to leave like that? This is your goodbye?" Emily's voice was shaky now. "Were you even planning on telling me, Lu?"

Luke flinched at the use of the nickname. It always had an effect on him and he hated that Emily always had such a power over him.

"I thought it would hurt less."

Emily shook her head, now running her fingers through her hair, "Maybe for you!"

He crossed the room, reaching out to take her hands in his. Emily stumbled backwards, out into the hallway now. Luke's heart clenched at the action.


She shook her head, slowly backing down the hallway from who she once called her best friend. "I thought you were better than this, Luke. I-I don't even know who you are anymore."

And before the 16 year old could say anything else, he watched as his best friend retreated down the hallway and fled from his house. Had he really just lost the best thing that had ever happened to him?

With tears in his eyes, Luke stumbled back to his bed, falling down on it when the backs of his knees hit it. A choked sob escaped his mouth.

Was the band really worth it all?


His eyes flickered up to the doorway once more, his mother standing there with a worried look on her face. "Why'd Emily run out so quickly?"

And thus the beginning of the end, began.


October 20, 1995;

"Happy birthday, Darling." Mrs. Patterson greeted her son's best friend as the Dylan family entered the house.

Emily smiled at the woman, leaning into her embrace, "Thank you, Mrs. Patterson."

Just like they had every year, the Patterson and Dylan families always celebrated the children's birthdays together.

Only about a month prior they'd celebrated Luke's birthday and it was bittersweet. The Patterson's only child had been missing since December of the previous year and other than the occasional word on the street about the band, they'd heard nothing from him.

Tonight, however, was more painful for Emily than anything over the past year. This was her first birthday apart from her best friend since they'd met 12 years ago and it was taking everything in her not to break down sobbing at the moment.

"We've made you your favorite cake." Mr. Patterson smiled to the girl.

Emily rubbed her arms, feeling the softness of the flannel she'd stolen from Luke's closet a few months ago. "Chocolate cake with white icing?"

The Pattersons nodded, receiving a soft smile from the now 17 year old girl.

After dinner, the group of 5 stayed seated around the table, an empty chair still left next to Emily - a place for Luke if he ever decided to return. It was time for her cake.

Emily chewed on her bottom lip, recalling that she'd heard that Sunset Curve was playing the Orpheum tonight. She had wanted to go, just to maybe stand in the back and catch a glimpse of the boy. She'd wanted to see him living out his dream. But, she decided against it, knowing that the two sets of parents wouldn't let her out of her birthday celebration.

"Happy birthday, to you."

"Happy birthday, to you."

"Happy birthday, dear Emily!"

"Happy birthday, to you."

The girl closed her eyes, making a wish before blowing out the candles.

Much to her dismay, the moment she opened her eyes again, red and blue flashing lights filled the room. The group exchanged looks before nervously standing up. Emily and her parents followed the Pattersons to the door, curious to figure out why the police were here.

Upon hearing the news, however, Emily choked out a sob and sprinted out the door. She had pushed her way through the group of officers and ran off down the road.

Luke couldn't really be gone, could he?

𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝙻𝚞𝚔𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙴𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢'𝚜 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢!!!

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