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The long-haired ghost spun around at the calling of his name. He furrowed his eyebrows upon seeing Emily, he hadn't heard from the girl in years. To be honest, he hadn't heard from the girl since Landon 'died' the second time. Emily Dylan had sworn to never talk to Willie again, yet here she was.

"Em?" he questioned as she ran up to him.

Emily stopped in front of Willie, she was desperate. "I need your help." She breathed heavily, trying to catch her breath from running. The girl had been everywhere that evening trying to find the ghost. "Caleb took the boys and I'm scared they'll never come back."

See, Willie knew that the boys were supposed to be playing at the Orpheum with Julie that night. He knew that that was their plan to crossover and get away from Caleb - so the news that Caleb had taken them was definitely not good.

"He took them to the club." Willie breathed out.

The ghost girl nodded frantically, "Caleb showed up in the studio just before we were about to leave for the Orpheum and... and he brought up Landon, then took the boys." Emily's voice was shaky, "Willie, Luke was mad at me when Caleb made them disappear. What if I never get to make up with him! I'd have to live the rest of my time knowing that my boyfriend and I were left on a bad note."

Willie noticed how desperate the girl was to save her boyfriend and his bandmates. He felt for her.

"Then let's go." he spoke, holding out his hand for the girl to take. "I'll make sure to keep you safe, too."

He wasn't about to let the poor girl lose another boyfriend to Caleb Covington.

In the blink of an eye, Willie 'poofed' the two of them into the Hollywood Ghost Club. Emily gasped, holding her hands over her mouth, upon seeing her boys playing up on the stage with Caleb. She stumbled slightly, Willie catching her as she did. His arms now hooked around Emily's waist to steady her.

At first, it seemed as if the boys were performing voluntarily until Emily focused in on their faces.

The three were all bouncing along to the music, but all with pained and worried expressions on their faces. "Willie." Emily mumbled just loud enough for the ghost to hear.

"Mhmm?" he hummed in her ear.

"They don't want to be up there."

"I know."

Emily watched the performance carefully, her eyes trained on her boyfriend who now wore a navy suit. If this had been any other occasion Emily would probably be gushing over how good he looked in the outfit, but now was definitely not the time.

Just before the song ended, Luke's eyes met those of Emily's. His heart panged with hurt at the sight of her.

Part of the hurt was from the reminder of her not telling him about Landon and the other part was seeing her looking pained herself in Willie's arms. All Luke wanted to do was kiss and make up with Emily. Luke Patterson wanted to hold his girlfriend in his arms and remind her that everything was going to be okay.

But he couldn't, he was under Caleb's control.

Not even a minute later, the song finished. Emily thought that they were sure to begin another song, but she couldn't be more wrong.

Right as Caleb went to begin the next song, the three boys on stage with him disappeared. Caleb looked just as confused as Emily felt at the moment. Where had they gone?

"Willie?" she mumbled once again.

He tightened his grip on the girl once he saw Caleb's eyes on him. Willie hadn't meant for the man to see the two. The skater ghost had somehow managed to help out the ghosts of Sunset Curve once more and he could tell that Caleb was furious.

"We've gotta go, Em." Willie instructed, tugging her with him toward the steps.

Willie knew that he had to get Emily out of the club as soon as possible if he wanted her to stay safe and make her way back to the boys.

The two ghosts ran hand in hand through the ghost club, running as fast as they could up the grand stair case and toward the doors of the building. Willie knew that if he could get the girl out the front door than she'd be way safer than she would be inside of the club, Caleb's power was far greater within the walls of the Hollywood Ghost Club.

"Where do you two think you're going?"

Caleb 'poofed' in right in front of the double doors, the biggest smirk on his face as he watched the two come to a stop. Willie tucked Emily behind his body, definitely ready to sacrifice himself for the girl.

"Don't do this, Caleb." Willie blurted, feeling Emily grip the hand he held behind his back tightly.

He raised his eyebrows, "Who are you to tell me what I can and can't do? Hmm?"

Willie shook his head, wishing the tears threatening to spill away. He can't hurt Emily a second time.

"She's done nothing to her. Just let her leave, please." the boy begged. "I'll stay here in her place, just let Emily go."

Emily chewed her bottom lip as she too wished her tears away. She didn't want Willie to sacrifice himself for her, but she was also terrified at what possibly Caleb would do to her.

Caleb looked between the two ghosts, debating on what he should do.

The man groaned as he let out a breath, "You may go, Emily. But, if you think you're getting away from me a third time... you'd be sorely mistaken." A soft gasp escaped Emily's mouth at the sound of Caleb's kindness. "And for you, William, you're mine. Forever."

Willie turned around quickly, pulling Emily into a tight hug. He didn't want to be under Caleb's control, but it was his only option if he wanted Emily to go free. Unfortunately, Emily knew that. She felt guilty.

"I had to, Em." he whispered in her ear. "I couldn't let you down again. Just tell Alex... tell him I-"

Emily nodded, a tear rolling down her cheek at the thought of what Willie wanted Alex to hear from him. "I will, don't worry."

And with that, the two ghosts separated. They shared a pained smile, both with silent tears rolling down their cheeks. This wasn't how Emily and Willie wanted things to end...

With one last look at Caleb Covington and the wonders of the Hollywood Ghost Club, Emily Dylan ran through the double doors and out onto the streets of Los Angeles. It was time to get back to her boys.

𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚊𝚒𝚝!!!
𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑...


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