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"He might just be air, Flynn, but we connect in so many other ways."

Flynn smirked at her best friend, "You two are the most watchable duet-ers I've ever seen."

Julie nervously laughed, shaking her head at Flynn in return.

"It's not just singing, ok? When we write, we're drawing from the same pain." The Molina girl attempted to explain, "We both know how it feels to lose people."

"You talking about Dylan?"

"Emily, but yes."

Flynn furrowed her eyebrows, "But he got her back?"

"Doesn't matter, Luke still lost her for a while. I just wish I could help him out."

Julie suddenly had an idea pop into her head. She knew how she was going to help Luke.

He'd been so upset these past few weeks because of how rough his friendship with Emily was and Julie finally figured out how she was going to make the ghost boy happy again.

Or at least attempt to.


"So, Luke was showing me his song journal a few days after we met."

Julie began as she motioned for Emily to follow her.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it... his songs. I've heard most of them countless times when he first wrote them." Emily tried to find a reason to walk away, "Camden and I were actually in the middle of something."

The Molina girl stopped outside of her studio, putting her hands on her hips and glaring at the ghost girl, "If you would let me talk, you'd know that the song that I found the most interesting was a song about a girl named Emily. And I wanted to know if you'd like to hear it."

Emily was speechless.

Had Luke really written a song about her?

Julie opened the door to the studio, revealing a nervous-looking Luke sitting on the couch. Once the boy saw his Lifer friend, he jumped up from his spot.

"What am I doing here, again?" Luke questioned as he ran up to the girl, "I'm missing out on a beach day with the boys."

She chose not to respond, instead Julie took a step to the side, revealing a slightly speechless Emily.

"You wrote a song about me?"

The boy grew nervous as a smile grew on the Molina girl's face. Julie handed Emily the lyric sheet that Luke had scribbled the lyrics on all of those years ago before leaving the studio.

Luke ran his fingers through his hair, his eyes looking anywhere but at his best friend. "Do you, uh, want to hear it?"

Emily's eyes scanned over the lyrics, catching every other lyric. She noticed the title 'Unsaid Emily' and her heart clenched.

"I-if you wouldn't mind, i'd love to."

The boy nodded, motioning for the girl to sit down on the couch next to him. He picked up his acoustic guitar and let out a shaky breath.

Luke finally let his eyes connect with Emily's, smiling back softly when he saw her smiling at him already. "I wrote this back in '95... but the feelings, they're, uh, still all there."

He didn't say another word, instead, Luke began strumming his guitar as he recalled the chords he used to write the song with. Was he seriously about to share this song with the girl he wrote it about?

UNSAID EMILY | luke + jatpWhere stories live. Discover now