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Emily opened her eyes to find herself in an empty dance studio. Confusion took over her.

Last thing she remembered she was at the beach with Alexander and Camden, not in a dance studio... she has 'poofed' to rather random places before, so this wouldn't be something new. But something about this dance studio felt different.

Oh, well.

When music began to play, Emily was even more confused.

She spun around to see Luke walking toward her, stepping through the wall of mirrors. "Step into my world, bittersweet love story about a girl..."

He stopped in front of her, holding his hands out for her to take.

"Shook me to the core."

Luke nodded to Emily, telling her it was okay for her to take his hands.

"Voice like an angel, I've never heard before."

So, she did.

Electricity surged through her body, the feeling of their skin touching overwhelming for Emily.

"Here in front of me."

The two began dancing together, Emily soaking up every second of her time with Luke.

"Shining so much brighter than I have ever seen."

Luke picked the girl up, spinning them in a circle.

"Life can be so mean...But when he goes, I know he doesn't leave."

Emily thought about the words she was singing. She had no clue where her words were coming from or even this choreography's origin, but it all felt so right.

"The truth is finally breaking through..."

The two were now singing in unison, Luke jumping away from the girl before spinning on the floor back to her.

"The truth is finally breaking through

Two worlds collide when I'm with you."

Luke hooked his arms around Emily's legs, standing up to spin them in a circle once more.

"Our voices rise and soar so high

We come to life when we're..."

He lowered her down, Luke's hands running up the backs of Emily's before settling on her waist again - successfully sending chills down the girl's spine.

"In perfect harmony."

Their eyes connected when the lyrics were sung.

The two smiled and continued to sing, their eyes never leaving each other. That was until Emily turned so her back was against Luke's front, her arms going into the air as he reached up to connect their hands.

"We say we're friends..."

Emily sang as she watched Luke connect their hands.

"We play pretend."

Luke intertwined their fingers, now taking control of their arms to wrap his arms around the girl. Emily let her head fall back, resting just barely on Luke's shoulder.

"You're more to me..."

The boy ghost ducked his head down so his mouth was by Emily's ear, "We create.."

They finished the song together.

"A perfect harmony."

Luke spun the girl, Emily twirling until she came to a stop. Her eyes readjusted and she was back at the beach.

UNSAID EMILY | luke + jatpWhere stories live. Discover now