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Emily was tired of her friends not believing her.

She was sure she had seen Alex, which only made her want to reunite with him so much more. Part of her always hoped that they'd be able to pick up like nothing ever happened.

But it did.

He chose music over her and had planned to not even say goodbye.

What kind of friend does that?

"A school dance, is she insane?"

Emily furrowed her eyebrows as she walked down the sidewalk. Had that Lifer been there the whole time?

She was also talking to herself.

Was this chick okay?

"She wants me to play the school dance!" the girl whined, slapping her hand against her forehead. "That's like way too many people."

The girl ghost stared intently at the girl walking her way. "Are you okay?" She questioned out loud, knowing that the Lifer wouldn't answer her. But the sentiment was there.

Emily always liked to make sure people were okay. Some people just needed to know that someone out there cared for them, and Emily was determined to be that person.

You could probably imagine Emily's confusion when the Lifer stared directly at her. The pale girl's eyes went wide.

This has never happened before.

"Are you talking to me?" The Lifer asked, pointed to herself.

Emily looked around them, seeing no one else around. "Who else would I be talking to?" She sassed, still shocked that this girl could see her.

Was she a ghost too?

"Right." the girl shrugged. "And, I guess I'll be fine. Thanks for asking, though," she added, reaching out to pat Emily's shoulder. Both of them reacting to the girl's hand going through the ghost girl's arm.

"Fuck." Emily whispered to herself.

Was it dangerous to be seen by a Lifer?

The Lifer stared at her hand and then back up to the girl in front of her, "Not again."

Emily was about to 'poof' away, but changed plans when she heard the girl's words. Again?

Did this Lifer regularly come in contact with ghosts?

"What do you mean 'again'?" Emily let out an incredulous laugh.

The girl shook her head, rubbing her hands together anxiously, "Long story short, you're not the only ghost I've come across these past few days. And I don't know why I can see you... but I'm sort of freaking out."

Emily shrugged, understanding the girl's confusion. If she were in the Lifer's situation she'd be confused too. Hell, she was thoroughly confused. Why, in 25 years, has no Lifer been able to see her... but now this teen can?

"You've gotta imagine how confused I am."

The girl gave Emily a weird look, "What do you mean?"

"Oh, Hun." the ghost girl chuckled, leaning against the light pole conveniently placed next to them. "I've been dead 25 years and this is the first time I've been seen by someone who isn't a fellow ghost."

Laughs came from both girls' mouths. They both couldn't help but laugh at their situations.

"25 years huh? That's a long time."

UNSAID EMILY | luke + jatpWhere stories live. Discover now