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"What is this?" Emily whispered to Luke as they stood together.

They were at the new music night; the boys were playing with Julie that night. Emily had just decided to tag along for the fun of it.

He shrugged, "Dirty Candy?" Emily was more confused now than she was before she had asked her friend for an explanation.

"Dirty Candy?" Luke just nodded in response. The ghost girl huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

All of a sudden Alex 'poofed' onto the stage with what Emily learned was called 'Dirty Candy'. Everyone looked around confused as to why he was up there, even Alex himself looked confused.

Then he started to dance along.

"Is he-"

Luke nodded, "Mhmm."

The two ghosts tilted their heads in amazement and concern as they watched their friend, mouths slightly open. Then just as quick as he appeared on the stage, Alex disappeared.

"You having fun out there?" Julie chuckled as the group looked over to the blond boy... all but Flynn who had no idea the ghosts were there.

Alex cleared his throat, "It's not my fault. It's my, um... It's my feet."

The blond boy stared longingly at the stage again, a smile on his face as he did. "Put me back in, coach." Emily and Julie both chuckled, watching the boy 'poof' back onto the stage.

"It's the boys and Emily." Julie explained to Flynn who could hear her friend talking to someone.

For the rest of the song, Julie and the ghosts watched Alex in awe as he performed with the group - the ghosts all proud of their best friend for being unapologetically him.

Once the song finished, Alex rejoined his friends. "I was just... I was just doing that for you guys."

"Mhmm." Reggie chuckled, smiling brightly at Alex, "Yeah, you can stop smiling now."

"I'm not gonna lie, that was... kind of good." Julie turned to Flynn, commenting on the performance they'd just watched.

Flynn nodded, "Yeah, I forgot why I hate her so much."

Emily nodded. She was finally caught up as to why Flynn and Julie both looked disgusted the entire time. It all made sense now.

The ghost girl's eyes widened at the sight of 'Dirty Candy' approaching the group. "Hi, girls. Um, isn't past your bedtime?" Pink-haired girl smirked at Julie and Flynn.

"Now I remember."

Emily zoned out for just a few seconds, her head falling on Luke's shoulder as she did. She didn't really have the desire to listen to the teenagers fight with each other.

"Julie and the Fat Ones."

The announcer's words were what brought Emily back to. Everyone turned to stare at Luke since he was the one who had signed them up for the performance that night.

He took his bottom lip in his mouth before scrunching his nose, "Yeah, man. My handwriting sucks."

"Good to know things haven't changed." Emily mumbled, earning an elbow to the ribcage from Luke.

She rubbed the spot, pouting at her best friend. He chuckled as he rolled his eyes. The two fought like this all the time back when they were growing up.

Julie walked up on the stage while the girls from 'Dirty Candy' stormed off. Emily really wanted to know that backstory there - it seemed rather interesting. In all honesty, Emily just really enjoyed knowing all of the juicy details for all sorts of things.

UNSAID EMILY | luke + jatpWhere stories live. Discover now