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"So, you'll never believe it!" Emily gushed to her ghost friends as they 3 ventured down the street. "A Lifer actually saw me today."

Alexander and Camden froze in their tracks. Were they hearing Emily correctly?

"Come again?" the redhead questioned her friend.

The brunette jumped excitedly, "A Lifer saw me! It was so weird, but so... exhilarating?" Emily didn't quite know why she was so excited, but she was. Something about meeting Julie brought a new sense of joy into her life... or lack thereof.

Still doubting his friend, Alexander crossed his arms over his chest. "That doesn't even make sense, Em. No lifer has ever been able to see u-"

"Dylan!" a new voice called out.

The three ghosts spun around, seeing to teenage girls walking toward them. Emily's face lit up when she saw that it was Julie and whom she assumed her friend.

"Dylan?" Camden whispered, confused as to why Emily was being addressed by her last name. Emily elbowed her friend, clueing her into the fact that the girl that had greeted her was a Lifer and not a ghost.

Julie's smile grew bigger the closer she got to her girl ghost friend. "Are these more of your ghost friends?" The Lifer questioned.

Alexander choked on his saliva. So, Emily wasn't lying?

"Mhmm." Emily smirked, knowing that Alexander and Camden were eating their words now. "Little Miss Redhead is Camden and Mister Doubtful is Alexander."

The Lifer switched her gaze from Emily to her two friends. "It's nice to meet you!" She waved to them, remembering that she couldn't shake their hands. "This is my best friend, Flynn. She, uh, can't see you guys."

Emily found that strange, why could only Julie see the three of them?

"More ghosts?" Flynn screeched. "How many ghosts are you going to befriend, Jules?"

Julie chuckled, "Who knows." She knew how much Flynn hated not being able to see the ghosts that Julie could, but she also felt that it was a little strange that her friend had this special ability. "So, Dylan. What are you guys doing in this neighborhood?"

Emily shrugged. If she was being honest, the three of them didn't really have a plan for the day. They normally just strolled through different places in the city. There wasn't much to do as a ghost.

"We just... picked this one today?"

Alexander nodded, trying to aid his friend. "We like looking at all of the expensive houses."

That was when Camden decided to join the conversation. "We like to see what we could've had if we hadn't died so young." She dropped her head onto Alexander's shoulder, "What are you guys doing out here?"

Julie looked over at Flynn, trying to figure out how to explain their situation.

It wasn't like she had to keep her other ghost friends a secret from her other ghost friends. There was no spilling the ghost secret here.

"Well, if I'm being honest, I'm trying to stop my other ghost friends from harming their old bandmate who stole their songs."

Hearing what her friend had said, Flynn decided to add to the conversation even though she wouldn't be able to hear their responses. "Yeah, after they died, their bandmate fell off the face of the earth and came back as Trevor Wilson who is our ex-best friend's dad. Guess he didn't wanna be known as 'Bobby from Sunset Swerve' forever."

"Sunset Curve." Julie corrected her best friend.

Emily's breath caught in her throat.

Sunset Curve?

She had to be hearing the two Lifer's wrong.

If she heard the two girls correctly then that meant that she did in fact run into Alex the other night. And if she ran into Alex the other night, then that meant he was back in LA as well. Emily was in no way prepared to revisit the pain he had caused her.

"I've gotta go." Emily breathed out, cutting off whoever was talking in that moment before 'poofing' out of the area.

Alexander, Camden, and Julie just stared at the spot where Emily had once stood.

"What happened...?" The Lifer asked in confusion.

The two ghosts exchanged glances before the redhead nodded and 'poofed' out as well. Alexander walked closer to Julie, a concerned look on his face.

"She," he paused, trying to collect her thoughts. "Whenever Em, er, Dylan is reminded of anything of her past life she freaks out. She thinks she saw ran into one of her old friends last week who is also... dead, and hasn't been okay since. So, what I'm guessing is that whatever you two said reminded her of something."

He didn't even wait for Julie to respond. Alexander 'poofed' out of the area leaving the Lifers rather confused. Julie confused because she had somehow upset her girl ghost friend and Flynn because she'd only heard Julie's part of the confession.

"Are they gone?" Flynn questioned.

The Molina girl nodded, "Mhmm." She had a frown on her face now. "I-We said something that upset Dylan and she left. The other two left with her. But, but also, Dylan might not also be her name... I think its something else? But I also think she's linked with the boys somehow..."

Flynn was even more confused than she was before she had asked Julie to explain.

"You think your ghost friend, Dylan, might have been friends with your ghost band?" she attempted to explain the situation to herself.

Julie nodded slowly. "Maybe? Why else would she have reacted that badly when we said their band name?"

Flynn shrugged before tugging on Julie's arm. They had a job that needed to be done and if they didn't go now, those 3 ghost boys would probably permanately scar their ex-bandmate.

"Let's go ghost-whisperer."

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