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"We played the Orpheum!"

Emily took a deep breath after hearing the words. Julie sounded... happy? She stood outside of the studio, building up the courage to enter. The ghost had 'poofed' to the Orpheum after leaving the Hollywood Ghost Club only to see the main act already performing meaning she had missed her friends' performance - so the studio was the only place she could imagine them being.

But why were the boys still here? They were supposed to have crossed over after the Orpheum performance.

"Screw it." Emily mumbled to herself before walking through the open doors to the studio. She was thoroughly confused when she saw Julie hugging the boys.

How was that happening? Last time she checked, Lifers couldn't hug ghosts.

"Guys?" Emily questioned, alerting the four of her presence.

They all quickly broke apart upon hearing Emily's voice. Luke was the first to step forward.

He wiped away the tears that had been rolling down his cheeks, "Em, you're here." Honestly, Luke was relieved.

"I'm so sorry for not telling you about Landon, truly. It didn't seem like important information, ya know? I never thought Caleb would come back into my life." Emily rambled her explanation. "Oh, and Alex, Willie told me to tell you he lo-"

"Thank you." the blond boy mumbled, a soft smile on his face.

Luke couldn't hold himself back any longer, he needed his girlfriend in his arms. So, he cut off her conversation with Alex. He was impatient.

"I forgive you, Em. I'm so sorry that I almost left you on bad terms... again." he chuckled at the irony. "I love you so much."

Emily was about to tell her boyfriend she loved him as well when the unthinkable happened. Right as she was about to speak, Luke wrapped his arms around her in a hug, only this time... the hug didn't exactly go as planned.

Instead of Luke pulling his girlfriend close to his body, he went right through her. Everyone froze, all shocked as to what had just happened.

"What the-" Julie mumbled.

The ghost couple were freaked out.

"Luke... why can't I touch you?" Emily questioned as she went to take hold of his hand, only for her hand to go straight through his.

Did the boys crossing over make them Lifers while Emily stayed a ghost? Had Emily Dylan lost Luke Patterson for a second time?

"I-I don't know," Luke whispered, his voice threatening to break and the tears quickly returning.

The two attempted to hug each other again, only to fail... again. Not knowing what else to do, Emily all but ran over to the others, attempting to hug them as well. But, just as she feared, she walked straight through them as well.

"What is happening?" Emily whimpered, anxiously running her fingers through her hair.

All of a sudden, the girl grew dizzy. And, before she knew it, her whole world went black.

In what only felt seconds later, Emily's vision began to return. Only, she wasn't in the studio at the Molina's... she was in a room she hadn't been in in years.

The girl pulled herself out of the bed and cautiously left the room, making her way out into the main part of the house. To say she was shocked when she saw Christmas decorations adorning the inside of the home and 2 specific people sitting on a couch would be an understatement.

"Oh, good, Emily! You're awake. How do you feel?" the woman questioned as she stood up from the couch to walk over to the girl, "You cried yourself to sleep after leaving the Patterson's this afternoon... do you want to talk about it?"

Emily was still extremely confused.

"What day is it, Mom?"

The woman gave her daughter a confused look, "December 21st..."

Emily stumbled back slightly.

It was all just a dream? But why did it feel so real?

"I- uh, I'll be back. Ok?"

Without giving her mother a chance to respond, Emily ran from her house. She definitely regretted wearing a jacket, but she didn't have too far to go to get to who she needed to see at the moment.

After crossing the yards, Emily frantically knocked on her neighbor's door. The door opened rather quickly, revealing Mrs. Patterson. The woman didn't even question the young girl's motives, instead, she stepped out of the way and let Emily in the house.

Emily quietly thanked the woman before making a beeline to her best friend's bedroom. "Luke!" she almost yelled when she reached the doorway.

The brunet boy was in the midst of shoving more of his belongings into a duffle bag, obviously very confused upon seeing Emily in his doorway. He was sure he had lost the girl when she ran out hours prior.

"Em?" he almost whispered her name.

That's when she closed the space between them, wrapping her arms around Luke's neck in a hug. Luke's arms quickly snaked around Emily's waist, just thankful that he didn't completely ruin things between them.

After a couple of minutes of just holding each other close, Emily stepped back slightly - the two still holding onto each other. "I, uh... Luke, if you leave... I'm coming with you."

He furrowed his eyebrows, clearly confused as to why Emily - who never did a single wrong thing in her life - was willing to run away with him.

"You'd leave with me?"

She nodded, "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Luke Patterson. I can't let you leave me, because I-"

Emily trailed off. Was she really ready to admit that fact?

Luke caught onto his best friend's hesitation. "Because you, what, Em? Why won't you let me leave?"

The girl shook her head. It was now or never, honestly.

"Because I'm in love with you."

A small gasp left the boy's mouth at Emily's admission. Was she really saying this?

It was like every wish he'd ever made was finally coming true.

Luke's rambling thoughts were cut off when Emily's lips met his. The two got lost in the kiss, sparks were flying and every wrong thing was being made right again.

After who knows how long, the two finally separated from their kiss. The two teens couldn't help but smile brightly at each other. They were the happiest that they'd been in a while.

"I'm so in love with you, Emily Dylan, have been for a while."

𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚒𝚗 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚒 𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜...
𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚘𝚘 𝚑𝚊𝚑𝚊

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