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"Hey, you, uh... you got a second?"

Alex questioned as he and Reggie 'poofed' into Julie's living room.

The girl had quit the band after last night's escapades. She'd also just recently gotten into a fight with Luke, telling him that he only ever thought of himself - the claim really got to him.

When Julie ignored the two boys, Reggie gasped. "Oh my gosh. She can't see us anymore!"

Sometimes, Alex couldn't get over how oblivious his friend was.

The blond rolled his eyes before crossing the small space between him and the couch Julie was seated on. That was when Reggie caught onto the fact that the Molina girl was giving them the silent treatment.

Alex perched on the armrest of the couch, looking down at the Lifer they'd all grown so close to. "Julie, please." He begged the girl for her attention.

She looked up at him, an annoyed expression on her face. "I already told you that I'm done with the band." Julie couldn't understand what the boys didn't get about her words. No meant no.

"Yeah, we know, all right?" Alex began, clearly outdone with the fact that Julie wouldn't even let him explain. "But before you decide that forever, we just... We wanted you to know that Luke isn't as selfish as you think."

What Alex and Reggie were planning on telling the Molina girl about wasn't something that was necessarily theirs to tell, but for Luke's sake of gaining his friendship with Julie back, it was.

"Yeah, you've got him all wrong." Reggie added in.

When Julie scoffed at Reggie's attempt to help, the bassist gave his drummer friend a look for help.

"You remember that song 'Emily'?" Alex brought up the song Julie had stumbled across in Luke's journal a while ago. "Can we at least show you who that's actually about?"


Emily let out a shaky breath as she stood in front of the all too familiar red doors once again.

She'd been coming here twice a year since she'd died, it was the one tradition of hers that she kept going after she died 25 years ago. It was his birthday anyway, so why wouldn't she be at the house?

The ghost girl went to step through the front door when she felt a rush of wind beside her. A sharp intake of air was heard coming from Emily's mouth when she saw who stood beside her.

"Emily." He gasped as his green eyes went wide.

She shook her head, stumbling backward a few steps, "No, no. I can't handle this, not right now."

"Let me explain, Em! It's been 25 years."

Emily scoffed at his begging. "25 years, huh?" She really couldn't believe him. "Try 26. You left me almost a year before you died! Should I even mention the fact that you hadn't even planned on saying goodbye to me? Hmm, Luke? Should I?"

His name fell off her tongue in a venom-like tone.

Back before they died, Emily always thought of their reunion as a happy one. One where they'd run into each other's arms and embrace each other for what felt like hours.

UNSAID EMILY | luke + jatpWhere stories live. Discover now