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"Wait, what did you just say?"

Emily furrowed her eyebrows, wondering why Luke was questioning her. She thought she had spoken rather clearly. "I asked if you went to Caleb."

Luke groaned as he ran his fingers through his hair, "How do you know who that is?" His eyes finally reconnected with the girl's.

"I'm a ghost, Luke." Emily spoke, standing up from her spot on the couch and pacing the room. "I'd be a fool to not know who Caleb is. Now, tell me, was it just you who got the stamp or did Alex and Reggie get it too?"

The worried look on Luke's face was an answer in and of itself. Now, it was Emily's turn to groan.

Eventually, Alex and Reggie show up and Emily is mad all over again. Knowing how Emily was when she's mad, the bassist and drummer quickly take their seats upon seeing the girl's glare.

"What did we do?" Reggie questioned.

Emily stopped pacing, spinning to face the trio. "Are you boys actual idiots?" She stopped next to where Luke was sitting, her legs brushing up against his. "Caleb is bad news... which I'm sure you've figured out by now. Once you're in with him once, there's no getting out. What did you even get in with him for in the first place?"

All three boys exchanged looks.

Reggie and Luke both stared at Alex, basically begging him to explain their situation. He always was much better with words than the other two.

"Trev- Bobby, is a big time singer now.... or was? I don't know, but he stole basically all of our songs and claimed them as his own. No credit or anything." He attempted to explain clearly, "And we wanted to confront him in person about it and.... well, we thought Caleb would be able to help us with that."

Emily sighed.

She understood where the boys were coming from and wasn't even shocked that they'd chosen Caleb to help them settle their score. Emily's heard of plenty of ghosts doing stuff like that.

The girl sat down on the floor, her knees pulled to her chest as she sat right up against Luke. "I-I can't lose you again, Luke." Emily mumbled, letting her head fall onto his shoulder.

All four ghosts stayed in their current positions for hours upon end. What could they do except complete their unfinished business? There was no way they'd be able to land a performance at the Orpheum before Caleb's jolts destroyed them.

"Snap out of it!"

Alex yelped as he fell off of the couch. Emily, however, groaned since the majority of his body fell on top of her. Luke and the girl both helping the drummer back up onto the couch as they all turned their attention to the only Lifer who could see them 24/7.

"Geez," Reggie breathed out as he watched one of Alex's drumsticks roll across the room, "I think you broke Alex."

Julie groaned at the attitude of her friends. She'd seen what the jolts did to the boys just prior to Luke and Emily's little heart to heart conversation.

"Do you guys want to cross over or what?" When none of them answered, Julie grew more frustrated. "Get it together!"

Luke was the one to speak up, him and Emily now holding hands as they sat there together. "They're never gonna let us play the Orpheum."

The ghost girl quietly whimpered, knowing if they didn't perform at the Orpheum she could quite literally lose her three favorite boys forever. Luke heard the sounds of distress coming from Emily and comfortingly rubbed the pad of his thumb across the back of her hand.

"We're nobody." Alex added.

Reggie nodded, "We're less than nobody. We have nobodies!"

Both Emily and Luke snapped and pointed at Reggie, both recognizing he had a fairly valid point.

"Someone once told me that you don't ask for permission." Julie continued. Emily heard Luke breathe out beside her, realizing then that it must've been him who said it. "That you book gigs by doing."

"That was me."

Both Julie and Luke shook their heads at Reggie's claim. "No, it wasn't." They echoed each other.

Julie then continued her rant. "This isn't over. We were brought together for a reason: to help each other."

Now, Alex spoke up again. "Yeah, but like Luke said, people don't just play the Orpheum because they want to.

Emily furrowed her eyebrows when she saw the smirk show on Julie's face. What was she plotting?

"People don't, but ghosts do."

Julie then left the studio, probably retreating to her bedroom. Knowing that it had been a while since she'd seen Camden and Alexander, Emily knew she needed to go catch her ghost friends up on what was happening in the... life? of Sunset Curve.

She stood up quickly, letting go of Luke's hand as she did. "I'm gonna head out. See you three later!" Emily waved at the boys before walking toward the door of the studio.

Quick footsteps behind her alerted her of the presence of another.

"Em." Luke called out, a hint of desperation in his voice.

The girl turned around, a smirk on her face when she saw the forced pout coming from her best friend. "May I help you?"

He continued to pout at the girl, "Were you just not going to say goodbye? Or at least offer for me to tag along?"

Emily couldn't help but laugh at how clingy her boyf- best friend was being at the moment. Wait... were they dating? Were they actually a couple? They confessed their love for each other and kissed a few times... but they never had the DTR conversation.

The girl made herself a mental note to have that conversation whenever she decided to return to the studio for the night. She needed clarity.

"I'm just going to go see Cam and Lex. Ok?" Emily explained to Luke, "No need to be worried or anything. Alright, Lu?"

He reached out and took both of her hands in his. Truth be told, Luke had noticed how close Emily and Alexander were and was worried that the ghost boy might feel something or at least try something with Emily. Long story short, Luke envied the relationship Emily and Alexander had together.

Emily noticed Luke's hesitation and quickly pieced two and two together.

She wiggled one of her hands out of Luke's grasp and instead grabbed his chin, making him look her in the eyes. "Jealousy looks good on you, Babe."

Luke's eyes went wide for more than one reason. Reason 1 being that Emily had figured out how he felt about her and Alexander. And, reason 2 being that the nickname she'd given him had left him rather flustered.

"But you don't have anything to worry about, ok?" Emily raised her eyebrows, her hand dropping from Luke's face when he nodded. "I'll be back in a few hours and all of my attention will be devoted to you."

Emily leaned in and kissed Luke before turning around and 'poofing' out of the studio.

Luke, with reddened cheeks, spun around to see Alex and Reggie both staring at him with shocked expressions. The Patterson boy couldn't help but chuckle, forgetting that they hadn't been clued in on recent developments.

Alex was the one to speak up out of the two other ghosts. Reggie just kept mumbling different things about how shocked he was.

"When did that happen?"

𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚜𝚘 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐!!
𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚏𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚊𝚜 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎

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