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"Reggie, what do you think of this riff?"

Luke played a riff on his guitar, both he and Reggie nodded their heads to it. "Sweet, I'm feelin' it." He smiled before coming in with a bass line.

The two boys began playing their instruments a little louder, both smiling brighter than before. "Then Julie comes in with her killer lyrics!"

Julie, the only lifer that could see the boys. Well, she could see the boys at all times, everyone else could see them whenever they played their music. None of them could really figure out why they could be seen, but they just seemed to go with it.

"And Sunset Curve is reborn!" Luke exclaimed as Julie entered her mother's studio.

She was annoyed. "Guys, you aren't supposed to be out here playing alone." Since they hadn't been doing this ghost thing for too long, the boys tended to forget that their instruments could be heard by any lifer passing by.

"But we're not alone." Reggie explained as Luke jumped up and hugged him, "Cause we always have each other."

Julie rolled her eyes as she walked further into the room. Teenage boys were definitely something else.

The girl unplugged the amp, causing Luke to temporarily freak out. "But we had the volume level on 1!"

"But we rocked it on volume 10. Want us to play it again?"

Both boys just stood there as Julie continued to unplug their instruments from the amplifiers. When they realized that Julie wasn't in the mood to joke around, Luke switched the topic in hopes of lightening the mood.

"We've actually been waiting for you to get home." He said excitedly. "Okay, so we have some pretty major news to tell you. We had a band meeting earlier, and..." Luke paused, pointing to Reggie who immediately performed a 'drum solo' for emphasis.

"We wanna invite you to join Sunset Curve. And no, you're not dreaming."

That wasn't the news Julie was expecting to hear from the boys, and frankly, she wasn't all for the idea. She'd just began singing again. There was no way that Julie had the confidence to be in a band right now.


Luke and Reggie exchanged looks, both extremely confused.

"Oh, uh... oh, she said, 'oh.' Um..." Luke chuckled, not understanding why Julie wasn't jumping at the offer. "That's what you say when you get socks on your birthday, not when you're invited to join the most epic band ever."

Admittedly, Luke was a little annoyed. After their performance at Julie's school that successfully allowed her to rejoin the music program, the boys thought that there was no way Julie would say no.

But, apparently, they were wrong.

"Sorry." Julie breathed out, clearly something else was on her mind. "I'm honored, but I can't think about anything but Flynn right now. She's still mad at me for lying. She hasn't even texted me back."

The boys didn't know how to handle the news about Julie's rocky patch with her best friend. It seems that the girl had gotten upset with Julie for not telling her about her 'hologram' band - the boys. Luke gave some bullshit sympathy comment before switching back to the original conversation.

"So, you wanna join the band?" He clearly wasn't going to let the topic go until Julie answered the question.

Julie scoffed. Could Luke be anymore insensitive?

"Read the room, Dude."

"Oh, come on!" Luke jumped, trying to get Julie to stop storming out of the studio. "We need you, and you need us because you need music."

UNSAID EMILY | luke + jatpWhere stories live. Discover now