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"Happy first day of school, you guys!"

Alexander and Emily both shot Camden strange looks. "Huh?" the word fell out of Emily's mouth.

The red head spun in a circle, her arms stretched out wide. "It's the day after labor day! The first day. Isn't it so exciting?"

"We haven't been to school in a long time, Cam." Alexander commented, leaning his arm on Emily's shoulder to prop himself up, "So, you being excited for the first day of school is pointless."

Camden pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. "Then why are we here?" She asked as she leaned up against the lockers in the hallway.

That's when the other two realized where they were. Los Feliz High School in lovely Los Angeles, California. Emily's mood soured, all this place did was remind her of- him.

"You're the one who poofed us here." She mumbled.

Camden rolled her eyes, gripping Emily and Alexander's wrist and 'poofed' them out of the music school. Thank you, Cam.

"Boba, really?" Camden glared at Alexander due to his question.

She flailed her arms about, "Boba was my favorite! The fact that I can't have it anymore is killing me." Camden held a finger up, silencing her friends. "I know where my mistake was on that one. So, leave it."

They shrugged, leaving the drink shop and continuing their day by walking down Hollywood Boulevard. This was something they did rather often. What else was there to do when you weren't exactly... alive?

The group of 3 had been friends for the past 25 years. Somehow, right after Emily died, she'd shown back up in her hometown as a ghost. That's where she met Alexander and Camden.

At the point of Emily meeting her two fellow ghosts, Alexander and Camden had known each other for a few months. The girl had died just months before Emily had. The boy, on the other hand, had died 7 years prior to the girls.

"Ya know, sometimes being a ghost really sucks." Emily groaned, finishing the braid in her hair with a hair tie.

Alexander nudged her side, "Well, if you hadn't gotten yourself hit by a car maybe you'd actually be 42 soon and not 17 for the twenty-fifth year in a row."

Emily winced at the reminder of how she died. She had died on her 17th birthday when she ran out into traffic, unintentionally.

At least she doesn't have to worry about looking before she crosses the street now.

"Well, maybe if you learned to swim you'd actually be fucking 49 by now and not 17 for the thirty-second year." the girl quipped.

All she received was a glare back. Alexander really hated when she brought up his death.

Maybe he'd learn to not bring up Emily's?

Frankly, none of the 3 enjoyed talking about the events that surrounded their deaths. They all held some sort of trauma that none of them wanted to relive.

"So, you, Em, died from stupidity and, Lex, you died from... inexperience?" Camden started and Emily couldn't help but laugh. Her phrasing really needs some work.

Emily pouted when Lex punched her arm. Her attention then returned to Camden as she rubbed the now sore spot on her arm. Ghost punches really hurt.

"And I died from... well, we're not gonna talk about it." Her mood immediately worsened. Camden wasn't exactly proud of how she died. She was in a dark place; Emily felt for her. "But I would've been 40 this year and not 15 for the twenty-fifth time."

UNSAID EMILY | luke + jatpWhere stories live. Discover now