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"Come with me back to Julie's house?" Luke begged his best friend, his eyes locking onto hers. "You know you want to see Alex and Reggie."

He anxiously held his hand out for the girl to take. Emily softly smiled at him before sliding her hand into his outstretched one, linking their fingers.

"I'd like that."

She also just couldn't say know to those eyes of his.

And, at one point, Luke knew that.

The boy 'poofed' the two of them back to Julie's studio. They landed together in a chair, Emily on Luke's lap before they both quickly and awkwardly jumped to their feet.

"Woah, Julie." Luke gasped, clearly not expecting the Molina girl to be playing the keyboard with his bandmates.

From what Emily remembered, the girl was still mad at the 3 boys. While Julie and Luke started to talk, Emily rushed over to where Reggie and Alex were.

The ghost girl flung herself into Reggie's arms, both enjoying the embrace they were in. Emily was about to let go to give Alex a hug when the blond boy yanked her toward him. A laugh fell from her mouth at Alex's antics.

Sure, Emily wasn't as close to Alex and Reggie like she was with Luke, but the 2 boys were still her friends. It had been a long 26 years apart.

"Alright, Boss, where we at?" Emily heard Luke ask Julie, a slight chuckle in his voice.

She couldn't help but smile at the sound, Luke's laugh was always one of her favorite sounds to hear.

"Oh, and by the way, Happy Birthday." Emily watched as Julie's gaze then shifted toward her, "And I guess I should call you Emily, now?"

The ghost girl awkwardly waved at the Lifer, "Heh, yeah, sorry about that."

Julie waved her off before sitting back down on the bench she'd been at. "Let's go from the pre-chorus." The boys all nodded and got back into position.

After quickly realizing that Julie's words meant they were about to rehearse a song, Emily scampered over to the seat she'd fallen into when she'd arrived at the studio that day. She pulled her legs up onto the seat, pulling her knees to her chest as she anxiously waited for them to begin.

She'd only really ever heard them perform a handful of times, and that was back before her falling-out with Luke. So, to say she was excited about their rehearsal today was an understatement.

The band played through the song a few times before calling it quits, seeing as they were performing it in just a few hours. Julie had retreated back to the main house, saying she had things to do before they could leave for the night, which left the four ghosts alone.

"Hey, Luke?" Emily called out, still unsure how to feel when she used his name.

Luke immediately stopped what he was doing to give his undivided attention to the girl. "Yeah, what's up?" He hopped-stepped as he walked over to the girl.

"Can we talk?" He opened his mouth to respond when Emily continued to speak. "Alone?"

The boy glanced back at his friends before agreeing, "Yeah, let's go." He mumbled nervously to the girl. Emily gripped his hand, quickly 'poofing' them away.

Luke smiled when he saw where she'd taken them.

Emily had taken them to a park nearby where the two used to live. It was a place they had deemed to be theirs. Ever since they were trusted to go anywhere by themselves, Emily and Luke had been meeting up at the park whenever they so desired or felt like a meeting was necessary.

UNSAID EMILY | luke + jatpWhere stories live. Discover now