Chapter 3- A thousand years. (continued from last chapter)

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Pixal sighed as she placed the photo of Zane and her on the window sill. He had been gone for a week now, and she missed him, so, so much.
She couldn't get him out of her head; everything reminded her of him. The flowers he used to pick for her in the garden, the photos of them together dotted around her bedroom, and of course, the pink apron hanging behind the kitchen door.  Not that it was any better for Wu.

Wu spent the whole week inside his room, only accepting a little tea. He spent the days reading scrolls, and trying to figure out a way to get his pupils back. He blamed himself for not telling his students more about the 'Universe crystal' , and was very upset.
He did not sleep. He spent the night at his desks, reading scrolls. Scrolls, scrolls, scrolls. His bedroom was littered with ribbons, string and wax sealers.

Pixal noticed, when she entered his room to give him his dinner, that the scrolls were all about the sixteen, *cough cough*  seventeen realms. That night, she picked up the one closest to her, and began to read it. Intrigued, she sat down at Wu's desk, when her elbow brushed against the side, triggering a hidden drawer. Pixal knew that it was no business of hers, but curiousity took over her, and she brought out a scroll, whith 'Wu's notes' scrawled on it. She unrolled it and began to read. It was a paragraph of notes in another language... In fact, it was not just "notes"... It seemed like it jwas a plan. And then she understood.

He was trying to get them back.


"Mmm. This realm has good food."

Cole scoffed down the bowl of soup within a matter of seconds. The little girl watched him with great interest. She had brought the newcomers to her home, and had cooked some soup to warm them up. However, she didn't expect them , or rather one of them, to be so... Hungry.

"Right. Have you all finished your soups?" She asked shyly, twirling a strand of her dark brown hair. The ninja nodded.

"Thank you very much...." Zane began.

"Fallon. My name is Fallon." she replied.

"Well, thank you very much, Fallon. The soup was lovely."
There were murmurs of agreement from around the table.

"Now, would you care to explain how you fell from the sky?"

Zane gave a polite cough and began.

Fifteen minutes later...

"I see." Fallon murmured, looking into space. She was rather surprised about the fact that there were other realms. To her, she originally thought that it was all just fantasy.

"And I presume that you want to get ho-"

The door swung open.

"Good evening, Fallon!" A cheery young man called. "How was your-"

He froze when he saw the group of people huddled round the table.
"Fallon...? Who are these people?" He said slowly.

"Oh, Hi there bro! I found these guys in the meadow when I was picking blackberries. They looked pretty hurt, though I wasn't too surprised because they fell from the sky. Anyway, ninja, this is my big brother Harrison. Harrison, these are the ninja. They came from another realm called 'Ninjago' , and were teleported here by accident, due to a special crystal. They are all elemental masters, meaning that they can wield different powers! Isn't that cool!"  She chattered.

Harrison nodded slowly. "O-okay. No offence, but that sounds pretty bizarre though. Are you sure that this is not some prank or something?"

"Listen up, Harry-son guy, duh, of course we are from another realm! We literally have no idea what this place is like, or what dangers there are! And if you want proof... Here!" Kai yelled, igniting a burning flame in his hand.

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