Chapter 6- Have we met before?

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Set just after season 6

"I'm going out for a night drive. Anyone wanna come?" Kai asked.
There were mumbles of "na" and "no thanks budddy," across the room.

"Well, i guess I'm on my own." thought Kai, as he climbed into his red sports car, with flame designs around the doors.

He began to drive to Ninjago city. The flashing neon lights always made his day; they looked so beautiful in the night sky.
He began to pick up speed at the high street. There was steeper wisdom, Master Wu's tea shop! And there was the Borg store.. the dojo and.... Chen's noodle shop.

Chen's noodle shop was the best noodle shop in the city. The ninja ate their take-aways as a daily basis. Cole would constantly rave about their "Double chilli Pak Choi and tofu noodles with soup", Nya and Lloyd had an addiction to their sugar packed bubble tea, and let's not forget Dareth, who was on a constant roll about "Puffy Potstickers".

Kai continued to drive past the popular noodle shop, until he spotted, in the alleyway next door,  a flash of red hair and the shine of a knife. There were a few muffled grunts sounding out of the alleyway, and a few people were running out, screaming.

Kai immediately stopped the car, and leapt out, ignoring the angry curses and beeping horns of the other drivers.

He dashed into the alleyway, unsheathing his katanas.

Inside the anyway, it was dark. Very dark. It was damp and mossy, and he could vaguely make out plenty of graffiti scrawled on the walls. Cigarette butts were scattered around the floor, and empty beer cans were carelessly tossed to the side.

He shuddered as he stepped in, pulling up his hood. This was most definitely not his favourite place in Ninjago.

At the end of the alleyway, he could see the silhouettes of a hooded figure, fighting against two masked thugs, one of them wielding a dagger.

"Stop right there!" he cried, cringing at his cringyness. The hooded figure gave a sigh of relief and slipped off while the two thugs were distracted by the fire ninja.

Kai immediately launched into battle. He clashed his katanas against the little dagger, grunting with effort. The wrestle seemed to take forever, until Kai spun around, and, taking the thug by surprise, kicked him in the face. He was knocked out cold.

He smirked.

"All in a day's-"

"Watch out!"

The hooded figure appeared out of nowhere, and delivered a flying kick to the second thug, who was about to punch Kai on the back.
Oops. Kai had frankly forgotten about the second one.

Suddenly, the police burst into the alleyway, handcuffs dangling from their belts.

"Thank you, ninja. Yet another crime stopped." grunted the commissioner, twiddling his mustache with his fingers.

After the police has emptied the alleyway, Kai turned to the silent hooded figure next to him.

"Have we met before?"

The hooded lady, as he noticed, smirked.

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

Kai recognised that voice, yet he couldn't quite lay his finger on it. He looked her down, carefully, looking for anything that might give away any suspicions of what person he had in his mind. He saw one strand of scarlet hair, and everything came together.

"Hm. Looks like I've already figured it out, Skylor." he smirked.

Skylor lifted off her hood.

"Hello Kai. I still can't believe the first words you say to me, after a whole year, are: "Have we met before?" she chuckled.

Kai grinned awkwardly.

"Well... I didn't exactly know it was you, didn't I?"   he grinned.

Skylor rolled her eyes.

"Now then, why were you there in the first place?" Kai demanded, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"Well.." she began, leading them  back to the noodle shop. " I was.... Looking for something."

Kai knew she was hiding something from him.

"I want the truth."



"Mummy! Mummy! Where are we going?" asked Skylor, impatiently.

"Somewhere away from Daddy." seethed the lady next to her, biting her lip.

The lady looked beautiful. Her long, glossy scarlet hair bounced off her shoulders like waves. Her cat-like eyes were like perfect almonds. Her button nose and thick lips were as perfect as perfect could get. And she was tall. She looked confident.
She looked perfect.

Except for the long wound across her forehead, and over her eye. The long wound, fresh blood dripping from the gap in her forehead. The wound that was caused by her husband, Master Chen.

Skylor's mother picked up her daughter, and they climbed into an empty bin to stay for the night.



"Why is daddy crazy?"

Skylor's mother thought for a moment.

"Daddy.. didn't have the best life. He had bad experiences. He wanted more power, so that he wouldn't have to suffer through it again. And his desire fro power drove him crazy. That's why he shouts and hits people when he's angry, Sky."

There was silence for a few moments.



"I'm scared."

"Don't be. Mummy is here for you. I will protect you with every last living cell I have. And you, youg lady, are more strong and confident that you think. "

Skylor snuggled into her mother's chest.

"Goodnight, mum. Love you."

*End of flashback*

"Oh. I see." said Kai, rubbing Skylor's back, after she told him about that day.

"I feel.... More connected with my mother when I'm alone, in alleyways." she sniffed.

"Hey! I know what will make you better!" cried Kai, leaping out of his seat.
"I'll take you to the monastery." he said.

"And I'm positive, that everyone has met you before." he said with a wink.


There we are! I'm soooo tired. So much homework! I haven't checked through this, so please point out any SPAG mistakes.
Next chapter is the first word I think of, which is 'very helpfully',


How on earth ....


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Plastic potato xx 

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