Chapter 13- At least this can't get any worse!

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I signaled to Lloyd from the other side of the canteen. He grinned and gave me a thumbs up.

It was April fools Day. The one day of the year, when we would prank the whole high school, and probably get in detention.

It was early in the morning, and we had snuck to school with our supplies, so that we could prepare for our pranks.

We slipped a cup of mayonnaise into the speakers, and positioned them so that when the speakers played, the sheer force of the sound waves would push them over, and they would spill across the whole canteen. It was one of our best yet.

Because, last year, we pranked everyone sitting on the front field by putting hoses in the bushes, and once they had all settled down, we had turned them all on! Everyone was soaked. It was hilarious.

And because of that, everyone would air inside. Where our little surprise was waiting. Next, we placed water balloons filled with paint in Gayle's locker.

Gayle was the new student. She was so snooty, and so mean that we decided to target her. She would get a nasty surprise when she opened it. The mayonnaise should wash it off later.

So, here we were, fixing the last cups of mayonnaise in the speakers.

"All ready?" I shouted.
"All ready!" He yelled back, raising a thumbs up.
"But are you sure it'll work?"
I nodded.
"I calculated it exactly. It should work."

We fist bumped and headed off to class.


"Stay natural." I whispered to Lloyd, as we walked to our lockers. He nodded, and casually meandered to his.

I checked my timetable and brought out my books. Today was going to be so fun! I looked at Gayle from the corner of my eye. She was leaning on her locker, talking to Harumi Jade.  Harumi was right, I guess. She could be a bit mean but overall, she was a nice person. And I did not want her to get covered in paint.

"Hey! Rumi!" I called, waving to get her attention.
"Hey Nya. Waddya want?"
"I have something private to ask you. It's important. Soz, Gayle." I apologized, grabbing her hand, and pulling her towards my locker.

"Okay, what is the prob?"
I smirked at her.
"Nothing. I just didn't want you to get wet."
She looked at me, confused.
I pointed at Gayle. She was on her phone, when she opened her locker. Oh... She's going to be in trouble.

A waterfall of paints rushed into her face, her clothes, and her phone.

She just stood there, frozen in shock, looking like a rainbow.

"AHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!" everyone chortled, snapping photos of her.

"Hey, Gayle!" I cried. "Happy April Fools!"

I ran off giggling, with Lloyd following me behind.

"That.... Was... HILARIOUS!" he cried in between giggles.

"Uh huh!" I laughed. "Let's go to Maths."


"Students! Please bring out your books, and start the questions on the board. We are doing trigonometry." (I love trigonometry!)

We silently brought out our books and began to-

BANG. The door slammed open.

"Gayle. You are LATE. And when you are LATE,  you come in silently, and apologize." she said, not looking up from her book.

"I can explain, Miss."

The teacher looked up, and her face dropped.

Gayle was covered from tip, to toe in different colours of paint. She was coated in glitter too, which must have been Kai and Skylor's prank.

The corners of my mouth twitched.



Lloyd and I raised our eyebrows, unimpressed.


"Isn't that a good thing?" I chuckled, leaning back in my chair.


" I'm sorry Gayle, but I can't suspend these two students, just because of a foolish prank they played. The very most I can do, is give them a detention." The teacher calmly said.

Gayle growled and sat down in her seat.

"Garmadon. Smith. Detention, after school. In here."

"At least this. Can't get any worse!" Lloyd whispered from next to me.

"We'll see."



The second prank.

All my friends had brought umbrellas, so they would be safe. Even though we looked ridiculous we were glad in the end.

While I sat there, eating my steak, Gayle swaggered over.

"What's this? Have you planned a rain cloud to enter the canteen? Are you going to start a food fight?" she smirked.

"No. I may look wierd, but at least I don't look like a walking, talking rainbow." I sassed back.

Everyone on the table began to yell: ROASTEDDDDDD!!! OOHHHHHHHH!!!!!

When the announcement came on.

"Dear students, please-"


My friends and I laughed as everyone in the canteen got completely covered in mayonnaise. YES!

Lloyd and I fist bumped as Gayle stood there, angry, and covered in a strange mixture of mayonnaise and Paint.

"You are so getting told off for this."


Lloyd and I say in the head-teacher's office, awkwardly.

"I'm disappointed in you. Really, I am. Did you know that Li'l Nicholas, in year seven, was allergic to eggs?" he frowned disapprovingly.


"Uhm... I.. errr... We.. didn't know. Sorry." Lloyd stuttered.

"Sorry Mister-"

"Sir? Head Master? I demand that you immediately suspend these two... CRIMINALS!" Gayle shrieked, bursting into the room.

"Gayle! You are not allowed to enter the office without knocking!" cried the head master.

"I don't really care! These two RUINED MY PHONE! AND YOU'RE NYKT GOING RO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT? IM SO TELLING MY DAD!" she cried, stomping out again.

"No! Please! Gayle! Wait!" Cried the headteacher, marching out of the office.

"Oh, and you two! Stay in here, for half an hour! Detention!"

He marched out.

"Well. At least this can't get any worse." Lloyd whispered.

After ten minutes, the head teacher marched back in.

"So uh... I talked to Gayle about the incidents. And.... We ... Uh... Came to the conclusion that your are to be suspended temporarily for a week. Alright?" he said.

We sighed.

"Maybe not." Lloyd whispered.

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