Chapter 8- Season 12

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WARNING: SPOILS FOR SEASON 12 (and I couldn't find the next part, when Nya and Jay fight the sushi people)
(Btw the second half of the vid above is what happens.)

I glanced at Nya anxiously, as we watched Lloyd swing his sword at Harumi's avatar. This was not going to end well.

I could see the fear in her eyes, too. We couldn't afford to lose another teammate. Not again.

"IT'S NOT HER LLOYD'S!!! THE GAME IS TRYING TO GET IN YOUR HEAD!!!" I screamed at him, bashing my fists against the invisible barrier in between us.

He didn't turn around.

He suddenly stopped and began to talk to Harumi.

Real deep.

Gosh, he must have loved her so much.

I felt Nya slip her hand into mine, and give it a squeeze. I squeezed back.

"Harumi, what did we do the first night we were alone together?" Lloyd asked her. Good move.

Harumi's face fell.

"... Watched the sunset? Listened to music?" she stuttered. Lloyd face fell with every word she said.

"We have food to the poor in the canals of Ninjago. You're not the real Harumi!" He cried, pointing his katana at her accusingly.

They launched into a deep fight.

A fight I was desperate for him to win.

With every swing he took, and every step he took, he slowly began to chase more damage to his ex- lover. I could see his face, a burning fire of anger, however I could see his eyes were etched with sadness and guilt.

It must be hard for him. I would go mental if I was sure that I had lost Jay.

I remember that day the constuct workers found her body. Lloyd was there. He wanted proof that she was gone. That she was there no longer. I watched his green eyes fill up with tears as Harumi was lifted into a carrier. Her face was so peaceful, even though there were scratches and blood running down her costume.

Then Lloyd broke down into tears. I tackled him into a hug, patting his back.

"Don't worry green bean." I sighed.

"She's in a much better place now."

I was awoken from my thoughts by the louder grunts of the enemies in the arena. I became aware that they were both on extremely low health. This was not good.

I side stepped towards Jay, my eyes not lifting from the fight. They were both so close. Just one wrong move, and they were done for.

Then it happened. I watched Harumi disintegrate into nothingingess, and Lloyd fall limp onto the floor, turning into an energy cube.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" we screamed, sprinting to the glowing cube on the floor. My eyes prickled with the danger of tears as I gingerly tried to hold onto the particles, being sucked into the drone.

The Keytana then appeared, floating in midair at the exit.

"W-what do we do now?" I said, my voice almost a whisper.

"We finish this game, and defeat Unagami. And.." Jay said, grabbing the Keytana.

"We get our friends back."

I burst into tears, collapsing in a heap on the floor. Jay gasped and wrapped his arms around me.

"I-im. Sorry." I gulped in between sniffs.

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